Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Mingzhu

Ignoring the international opposition waves, the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu decided to take a strong action in the southern cities of the Gaza Strip.Due to ruthless war, La Fa has become a refuge of nearly 1.4 million people. If Israel invades a comprehensive invasion, it will definitely detonate a humanitarian disaster beyond imagination.As more and more countries stand on the opposite side, Neitanahu is making a political gambling.

Neutanahu has released the news that he is preparing to attack the Lata earlier this month. On the 14th, he vowed again to continue the battle until victory, including a strong action in La Fa.This offense is also regarded as a decisive battle for Israel to fight Hamas.

Liu Lanchang, director of the Institute of View of the Hong Kong Central View, told China News Agency on the 15th that Neitanhu completely detained personal bets on the results of annihilating Hamas. Once the fire was stopped, domestic contradictions will be upgraded to the main contradiction.Neutanahu will face the crisis of steps down.Attack Laha is his "last battle", so as to obtain the results of the war to keep his personal status.

The pre -warfafa is one of the most crowded areas in the world. Due to the pouring in many people, the situation here is worse.WHO said that if the Israeli army invades the La Fa, the local humanitarian disaster will occur.Although Neitana said that civilians will be allowed to evacuate the theater beforehand, he did not say when it will launch an offense or provide details of the civilian evacuation plan.

Liu Lanchang pointed out that from the perspective of the entire military front, Israel cannot completely eliminate Hamas, so it can only change a strategy and use large -scale bombardment to make the Gaza area into a ruin.But this is unacceptable and can't stand in all aspects.

Nowadays, more and more countries are standing opposite Israel, opposing the military to take military operations in La Fa when the army cannot guarantee civilian security. The United States has also asked Israel to formulate a "credible" plan.

Liu Lanchang pointed out that the offensive La Fa violates the will of the entire Western camp. If the United States is ruthlessly prevented Israel from the United States, it can prevent the development of the war, but the two camps are still in the game.

This time, the tough rhetoric of Nei Tanahu was published when the ceasefire negotiations held on the 13th have not made progress. He also withdrew the next round of Cairo's ceasefire negotiations on the grounds that Hamas did not change the demand for the shutdown war.This triggers the discussion of the family members of hostage and exacerbated the contradictions within Israel.

From October 7 last year, the Israeli Army has not achieved the three major goals of eliminating the elimination of Hamas, rescue all seized persons, and ensuring that the Gaza Strip no longer pose a security threat to Israel.

However, Liu Lanchang pointed out that this war is not beneficial to Israel.Hamas leaders are scattered in the Arab world. It is difficult for Israel to truly eliminate Hamas. On the contrary, it will gradually break down the Israeli economy and pull the United States down the quagmire.

"Nei Tanahu's gambling will definitely fail." Liu Lanchang said that the possibility of ceasefire is increasing, which is also a strategy for the United States, but reaching the "two -country plan" will still be a long process.