The trend of anti -immigrants in Europe and the United States is in the ascendant, and the impact of political conflict with the opposition of the party is increasingly impact. It is endangering the pride of western countries. One of the malignant impacts is that populist frenzy is increasingly surging.

Former US President Trump returned to the White House to be aggressive. He has always advertised "the United States first", inciting "White Master" consciousness, and is extremely strong about immigrant issues.He has not worked in power, and anti -immigrant actions in the United States have emerged endlessly and constitute a strong pressure on the Democratic Party.The Biden government was helpless to enter the United States by illegal immigrants and was considered to accommodate immigrants.In order to use a thorn iron net on the border, in order to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country in order to use the border. At the end of last month, the Federal Supreme Court's judgment was on the bars.The current situation of opposition is not only the local center of the Federal Federation, but also a confrontation between the Republican and Democratic parties.

The problem of immigration in Europe is more serious.The German alternative Selection Party, which is extremely right, has emerged in the past 10 years, and once leapt to the country's largest opposition party.The party recently reported that the extreme plan to expel immigration on a large scale, including immigrants who have obtained citizenship, and even second and third -generation immigrants, causing a great uproar, and the business community was even more worried that expelning immigrants would cause deterioration problems.In mid -to -late January, anti -alternative party demonstrations appeared in hundreds of cities in Germany. The extreme propositions directly pointed out that the alternative selection of the party was unconstitutional and must be dissolved.The Souls government is considered to be weak in dealing with the affairs, including immigration issues, which has led to the support of polls to 15%. This year, the prime minister may not be kept.

French President Macron is also burnt.The new immigration bill proposed by the government does not recognize it. The extremely left batch is too strict. The extremely right right batch is too loose to compromise, restrict residence permits, delay immigration subsidies, simplify and expel illegal immigration measures.It still caused dissatisfaction among all parties, forcing him to replace the Prime Minister as a response, but the tug -of -war war against the anti -immigrant immigrants was still not retired.The British Conservative Party Sunak's government elected a election and had to use immigration issues to openly violate international human rights and democratic spirit, forced the illegal immigration bill, and announced that it was limited to new immigration quotas and took the lead in anti -immigrant.

The problem of European immigration is deeply difficult to solve, and the economy is difficult to refuel, making poverty a hotbed of the extremist, and the demonstration on immigration issues is becoming more and more intense.Europeans seeks sinful lambs, and foreign immigrants are regarded as invaders, which is different from "my group".The three -year epidemic caused the economic weakness of various countries, and the Russian and Ukraine War exacerbated energy inflation. Under the circumstances of financial distress, the government suppressed poor inflation and made the people complained.Anti -immigration trend, social opposite, racial conflict and extreme political development are integrated.

Most right -wing populists combine populism with a certain form of localism. They are self -proclaimed with pure patriotism, and the leader claims to represent the unified "people's will".European and American populists often pack themselves as strong leaders. They usually integrate anti -immigrants and authoritarianism. They are good at storing the emotions of the people and made unrealistic commitments.Right -wing populist waves have emerged worldwide, and resonance with each other is mainly due to multiple crises. The issue of immigration is the key.

Immigration issues have encouraged Trump's power to return to the White House, and European right -wing populist has also supported immigration issues.The European Parliament election is an indicator of the rise of populist parties.During the 2014 election, the "British Independence Party", which was anti -immigrant and opposed to the EU, became the largest winner in the UK. The French National Front also won the European Parliament election in France with a vote of 25%.During the 2019 European Parliament election, the European People's Party and Social and Democratic Progressive Alliances were the two largest party members of the parliament. They accounted for more than half of the seats (751 seats), but the results of the election fell nearly 40 seats.On the contrary, the party and group "nation and freestyle Europe" formed by the National Front and Italian anti -immigrant alliance, the "freedom and direct democratic Europe" composed of the five -star movement of Italy and the Brexit Party have increased.

At the same time as the rise of populist parties, the Social Democratic Party has shrunk significantly.The support rate of the German Social Party in the 2018 polls fell to 14%. The French Socialist Party only won 7.4%in the 2017 parliamentary elections. The Dutch Labor Party also won only 5.7%in 2017.Politics tends to be extreme, right -wing populism is popular, and the refugee crisis is the main catalyst of its rise.

The core ideology of right -wing populist parties is mostly refusing to refuse foreigners and a multicultural society, emphasizing "our country is prioritized" or "we are prioritized", immigrants, refugees or assistants will reduce "our" resources,So it should be rejected.In addition to refugee factors, domestic economic factors also affect the ability of right -wing populist parties to call on the people.Civilian parties usually cannot directly call for voters who simply attach importance to economic factors. Only by linked economic and refugee issues and blame the economic recession and unemployment rate on refugees, can right -wing populism be more appealing."National disability" is also an important call point for populism. One of the connotations is the cowardice and incompetence of the immigration problem.

European and American national populism and anti -immigrants are stimulating and enhanced each other, forming a vicious cycle, leading the main issues of politics.Due to the endless war in the world in recent years, and the problems of difficulties in livelihood have also intensified, they have created more refugees. They are forced to live and have to seek a place to settle and develop.Their arduousness is sympathetic, but the load that the country they go is near is almost the limit. The political quality of the inspiration is accelerating the development, and it has reversed to fight against immigrants.This is the misfortune of immigration and the severe challenge of democracy in various countries.

The author is the former chairman of the Central News Agency