In the face of social media and other aspects, adolescents have deteriorated overall mental health; in this regard, the government will further understand different causes and formulate more specific measures to improve their situation.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai said when Congress participated in the debate of psychological health mobilization, saying that under the national mental health strategy, the government will double invest in resources and understand the topic facing youth."Teenagers have always been difficult to live, and anxiety is indispensable during growth -they must understand themselves, assume new responsibilities, and prepare for adults."

Huang Xuncai: Multi -nations reflect the same trend of youth mental health diseases to increase Singapore

Huang Xuncai said that since the beginning of the 2010s, the situation where young people in the world have not been easy to change have changed. Now young people have paid more attention to their mental health than previous generations.Many countries reflect the suicide thoughts of the youth groups, as well as psychological health diseases such as anxiety and depression.

Huang Xuncai said that Singapore also has the same trend. Although it is not as serious as some countries also face drugs, wandering, and street violence, the situation is still worrying."The government takes this trend seriously."

For this reason, the government has exchanged with researchers around the world to try to understand the surge in the surge in young psychological health problems in recent years, including social media and freedom in real life.

Huang Xuncai said that finding out some key factors and the interaction between them can help the government formulate and implement more suitable policies to help young people.

The Ministry of Health will set up intermediate accommodation rehabilitation facilities to provide a safe environment for young people

Lahay, the Second Government Affairs of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Political Affairs, said in a speech that not all young people with suicide tendency to suffer from psychological diseases, but may face social problems such as academic difficulties or bullying.For this reason, the Ministry of Health will set up a mid -range accommodation rehabilitation facility to provide a safe environment for young people from the age of 10 to 19.

The Ministry of Health announced the establishment of such facilities last year, and a group composed of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, and permanent personnel was responsible for operation.Rahay said that the team will provide counseling and assistance to medical assistance based on the needs of teenagers, and cooperate with social partners to help them transition and return to daily life.

Children and adolescents under 21 years of age must seek parental consent before obtaining psychological health assistance. Lahaye said that the Ministry of Health balances the maturity and understanding of young people, the needs and risks of treatment, and the participation of family and communities.Ensure that parents will not be an obstacle to their children's assistance."Before taking any measures, we give priority to considering the interests of children to ensure that they can receive assistance in time."