For mental health issues, people should give it to remove stigma, abandon the stereotypes of it, and at the same time change the definition of success to avoid falling into fierce competition.In a more inclusive society, people who face psychological health problems can not hesitate to ask for help.

On Wednesday (February 7), Congress continued to debate to promote the mental health motion. When the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Huang Xuncai said that the government promised to take more measures to improve people's mental health, but if various plans work, it will work.People must also change attitude and thinking.

Huang Xuncai said that stigmatizing psychological health problems will simplify the original complicated and difficult problems and become the stereotype of people's minds. In the end, people who are deeply trapped are discriminated against.Obstructing them to seek treatment."We have to pay more efforts to stigmatize for mental health problems, so that people can seek help without hesitation."

He reiterated that people's attitudes towards mental health are changing, but the stigma still exists. We must also build a society that helps to deal with the pressure of life and understand others, and open up safety space for people in need.

Huang Xuncai: It should be changed to be unable to surpass the success of success.

Huang Xuncai also said that local society should change their views on success, pursue ideals, and strive to be upstream, but in order to surpass others, they should not be involved in the endless competition of endlessness.It's worse.

He said that most Singaporeans are looking forward to a more tolerant society, do not adopt narrow success, accept outstanding talents in various fields, and find meaning and goals in what they do.This is one of the key points of "Singapore's advance", and the government is also making policies in this direction.

Lahayou, the senior government affairs of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Political Affairs, admitted that our society still has a common prejudice on psychological health

She said that the government will encourage people in need for help through public publicity activities and measures for specific groups, while reducing discrimination against psychological diseases.

Dr. Wen Lijia, one of the members of the motion, summarized the debate that psychological health is not only a social issue, but also covers the sounds that need to be listened, so that these people or families can bear the pain alone, and even deepen their trauma.Essence"We must build such a society, and the dialogue of mental health can be accepted, adhering to the mentality of understanding others, not judging. We need to create an environment that encourages everyone to seek help without shame."