The TV series directed by Wang Jiawei is adapted from Jin Yucheng's novel of the same name, telling the story of Shanghai businessman Abao. The time span is mainly from 1987 to 1994.In 1987, Electric Vacuum Stocks were issued, and the price of stock transactions was released, which was the beginning of the stock trading era.In 1994, Abao and Qiong Jiejie fought stock war.

The TV series uses a fragmentary narrative method, jumping from one fragment to another fragment of the past.After reading most of the content, you can sort out the timeline.Among the three women in the TV series, the earliest appeared was Lingzi. In fact, Abao first knew Wang Mingzhu.Because of Wang Mingzhu's mistakes in his work, Abao went to Tokyo and met Ryoko.

Fanhua played Abao's career, stock trading, foreign trade, and stock trading again.The glory in the early stage was that he cooperated with Wang Mingzhu to make President Fan's Sanyang costume into a Shanghai brand.In the later period, he admired Jie's wisdom.Abao said that he did business, winning a win -win, losing was a loss.However, he lost with Jie Jie's battle.His bleak ending was because of his spirit.

The TV series is not entrepreneurial, but life.From the various characters in flowers, we see them unwilling to the status quo.Xuezhi was unwilling to go to Hong Kong from Shanghai. Even if he had a bad life in Hong Kong, he did not go back; Lingzi was unwilling to be a woman who had no name behind Abao behind Abao.Abao's hardcore brother Tao Tao couldn't stand the power of his wife Fangmei, eating, drinking, fun, and looking for true love outside; Ling Hong was unwilling to leave the comfortable environment and went to Beijing; Mei Ping was unwilling to be the section chief.Resign and start a business; the waiter Xiao Jiangxi was unwilling and climbed up.

I went to college in 1992, and I was in the era of flowers.At that time, college students were easy to find a job after graduation.Undergraduates are easy to find, and master students choose more.My classmates went to a good unit.As far as I am concerned, I have obtained the opportunities provided by the best universities in Shandong Province, the best economic benefits, and the most famous law firm.

At that time, everyone was really keen on stock trading.In the unit, we often see stock markets on colleagues' computer screens.A classmate resigned to specialize in stocks in Jinan in the provincial capital.Although my family has no knowledge about stocks and follows other people's stocks.Many people make money.I didn't fry because I like to write, and I am not interested in making money and speculation.

Although it was not wealthy at that time, everyone was full of hope, and the whole society showed a positive weather.Most people in that era have simple and monotonous costumes and innocent expressions.Some people say that Fanhua tells a glorious entrepreneurial story of a glorious era.In fact, Shanghai people said that the prosperity of Huanghe Road has nothing to do with most Shanghai people.

For those of that era like me, watching flowers is a journey of memory.Hu Ge's most classic image is Li Xiaoyao in the biography of Xianjian Qi Xia; You Benchang is famous for playing living Buddha Ji Gong.Duo; Yu Entai, who plays Xiao Ningbo is Lu Xiucai in Wulin's biography, and now he can't recognize it. Dong Yong is a professional policeman with a serious expression. He plays the role of Fan, who plays Xiaohaha in the play, and looks very kind.

There are a lot of classic old songs in the episode, such as Zhao Chuan, I am a little bird, Pan Meichen, I want to have a home, Zhang Yusheng, my future is not a dream, and I once looked back (the original singing Jiang Yuheng),Add color to TV series.

Flowers are exquisite and beautiful; the actors perform well, and the characters are colorful; they have both love stories and workplace competition.It is more attractive and looks good.However, the characters in the flowers like the capitalists and Mrs. Kuo of the Republic of China or Hong Kong have a dim, hazy camera, and the taste of literature and nostalgia, which is inconsistent with the large style of that era.A high -end and progressive era was interpreted with euphemism and grievances.We see that many people in the play are not reconciled.The protagonist fell from the altar on the business field and returned to Abao from President Bao.The Huanghe Road, which is not President, is still bustling.There are talented people in Jiangshan, and no one can not replace.When the flowers are exhausted, the heart of the Chizi is still there.The last sentence in the play is "people are not ringing, they know it", and the charm is long.

The author is Shandong scholar