The year -old Yunyun Mu, one yuan re -start.Today is the last day of the year of Guima Rabbit, the New Year's Eve.For the Chinese families, this is a very important day in the year, because traditional every family will eat reunion dinner on New Year's Eve. All family members gather together to share the food full of food and share the joy of heaven.Reinforce family relationships and cohesion between families.In addition, everyone congratulates each other and encourage each other to welcome the new year with a positive attitude.

Although Singaporea has experienced a long period of modernization and westernization in recent years, most families have always adhered to traditional family values, and their families have always maintained the cornerstone of society. This is fortunate.Adhering to.The cohesion of the family has also given the society a strong group spirit and toughness. At the time of difficulties, it can always exert the spirit of unity and mutual assistance, the storms, supporting each other, and crossing difficulties.The three -year -old crown disease is a good example.

What is more worrying is that people have changed the concepts of marriage and fertility, leading to a decline in fertility.Therefore, in this year's lunar New Year's words, Premier Li Xianlong made a special appeal, hoping that more young couples can rush to add a dragon baby in the Dragon Year.Singapore's fertility rate has been lower than the alternative level for many years. How to reverse the trend is indeed a subject that needs to be concerned.Traditionally, the Year of the Dragon is regarded as auspicious year, so we may expect that this year's fertility rate will have a bright performance.

Although Singapore is a highly modern international metropolis, people can taste a strong year of flavor every time the New Year comes in the lunar calendar.After years of evolution, the Singaporean New Year is both traditional and more and more local.For example, ox cart water lights and street -year -old markets have a long tradition.Beginning in 1973, a makeup art parade hosted by the People's Association, as well as in 1987, was co -organized by the China General Chamber of Commerce, the New Newspaper Media Trust, the Singapore Tourism Bureau, the Zongxiang Club Association and the People's Association joint officeThe "spring to the river" is a large -scale iconic activity with the Lunar New Year with local characteristics.

In addition to these large -scale activities, at the community level, we have also preserved and continued the tradition of many Chinese people's New Year, such as collective spring, community and grass -roots organizations New Year group worship, lion dance collection, community, charity, religious groupsThe distribution of gold and gold to the poor and the elderly are all meaningful New Year activities, spreading the traditional cultural atmosphere, and reflecting interpersonal care.In recent years, people have also liked to "pick up" together during the Lunar New Year, and even the compatriots of all ethnic groups are willing to participate.

From a spiritual level, the Lunar New Year is also a season when everyone charges and refuels. Regardless of the past year, everyone meets the new year in the best state and fights for a new year.Although after three years of epidemics, it was followed by a world -high high inflation, which led to rising living expenses and worsening business costs.At least it has a certain relief effect.

Although the world economic situation has not been good in the past year, the economy of Singapore has still increased, and some industries such as tourism have also recovered rapidly this year.Passengers visiting Singapore last year reached 13.6 million passengers, more than doubled more than 2022.It is expected that this industry will continue to recover this year.According to data released by the Bureau of Statistics on Wednesday (February 7), the monthly salary of Singapore's hired residents in Singapore also increased. After the inflation rate was included, the actual income increased by 2.8 %.However, the average actual income of residents who belong to the minimum division fell.Because the economy of the economy is still strong, it is generally believed that when the Vice Premier and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai issued a new fiscal year budget next Friday (February 16), new subsidy measures will be announced to solve the worries for the people.

Another thing that is worthy of the special attention of the Chinese people is the replacement of the political leadership.Premier Li has announced at the People's Action Party Conference last November that he intends to pay Huang Xuncai before the party celebration of the DAP's 70th anniversary this year.Without any accidents, the fourth prime minister will appear since the founding of the People's Republic of China at the end of this year.I believe that Chinese people want to see this important political transfer smoothly, and Singapore can continue to go smoothly and Guotai Min'an.The dragon symbolizes the auspiciousness of the Ferry, and it also means that he is just healthy and brave, and strives up.In this year of Jiachen Dragon, I wish all readers a good luck, Longma spirit, and thought.