The local economic recovery momentum continued after the crown disease. Singapore's monthly salary in Singapore's hired residents increased significantly by 7.6%. After the inflation rate was included, the actual income increased by 2.8%, which was still 2.6 increased from the previous year a year before the previous year.One percentage point.

The Singapore Statistical Bureau's main trend report released on Wednesday (February 7) in 2023 shows that the monthly income monthly working monthly number of residents of residents, From 10,000 99 yuan the previous year to 10,000 yuan last year, an increase of 7.6%.If the inflation is inflated, the actual monthly income is 2.8%year -on -year, and the actual increase in the previous year was only 0.2%year -on -year.

In terms of actual gain, from 2018 to 2023, the monthly salary of residents of residents increased by 3.1%, or an average annual increase of 0.6%.

Resident residents refer to residents who are referenced by Singapore citizens or permanent residents, and have at least one residents who are working.


report pointed out that the per capita monthly income of residents' residents last year increased by 6.5%over 3287 yuan in the previous year to 3,500 yuan; if the overall inflation rate was considered, the actual increase was 1.7%.

The overall inflation rate faced by residents last year reached 4.8%, which was lower than 6.1%in the previous year.At the end of last month, the government estimates that the overall inflation rate is expected to be 2.5 % to 3.5 % this year, lower than the previous predicted 3 % to 4 %.

Scholars: After the Singapore, the economy rebounds more people to return to the workplace last year

For residents of residents who employed residents, the nominal nominal and actual monthly salary were increased. Dr. Matthew, director and chief researcher of the Social Research Office of the Singapore Policy Research Institute, pointed out that the economic rebound after the Singapore epidemic returned. More people returned to the workplace last year.With the full termination of tourism restrictions at home and abroad, tourism activities have only begun to grow last year.

The 2023 Labor Report data released by the Ministry of Human Management on January 31 shows that although the nominal income of full -time resident employees increased last year, the high inflation rate offset increases, and the actual median revenue decreased by 2.2%year -on -year.

In this context, the actual monthly salary of resident residents still increased in the actual monthly salary of residents. Matthew believes that this may be related to the employment of more members among residents.Women are now more likely to continue employment.Due to the employment of many family members, even if the actual income of individual residents has a slight decrease in the actual income, the overall income of local residents may still grow.

On the other hand, the Statistics Bureau pointed out in a report released on Wednesday that for the monthly entry of residents of residents, the average reality of the first, ninth and tenth "Deciles" last yearThe income decreased by 1.7%, 0.2%, and 1.9%, respectively.

In other words, after the inflation rate is included, the minimum income division, and the average residents of residents who have two income divisions average residents per capita per capita, in fact, have actually decreased.

Song Shengwen, Economic Consultant of China Galaxy Securities Singapore, said in an interview that the average per capita per capita income of the average residents of the maximum two income divisions decreased, mainly because the income of this class is generally high, and the increase is difficult to rise. After the inflation rate is included, the inflation rateThe actual income decreases.

Hall of income up to 10%of the residents actually decrease by 1.2%each year


Report pointed out that from 2018 to 2023, in addition to the residents of employed residents with a maximum income of 10%, the average residents of each income division increased monthly, and the actual annual increase of an average annual increase of 0.7%to 2.5%EssenceAs for residents with a maximum income of 10%, it is actually a decrease of 1.2%each year.

As for the minimum income class, Song Shengwen pointed out that in the early stage of the epidemic, the group faced the shrinking income, but in 2021 and 2022, epidemic prevention measures gradually relaxed, and many companies re -hired their hands to bring them income growth.But by last year, the increase in income of this group began to stabilize.Song Shengwen pointed out that this adjustment plus inflation, or the actual average residents of the minimum income person have decreased monthly income.