In the first month of 2024, two "small things" followed, attracting the attention of Chinese media around the world.In my opinion, these two things can be included in the framework of cultural conflict.

On January 19, the dispute videos of the pianist Kavanagh and a Chinese television team in London, England, were widely circulated.Disputes of issues such as physical contact.From the perspective of anthropology, this is a typical one who enters different cultures and encounters others, and has a cultural conflict.Based on this, people with different cultural backgrounds often give or biased towards the pianist, or the position of the Chinese team.

The Taiwan Political Political Talk Show, which was broadcast on January 22, He Longxiu, invited Wang Zhi'an, a Chinese media person who lives in Japan.Words and deeds, criticize the DPP to use disabled people to "make sensation".After the show was broadcast, the content of this section caused huge controversy.On January 24, Taiwan officials announced the abolition of their entry permits on the grounds that Wang Zhi'an was "engaged in the activities that did not match the license" and prohibited to go to Taiwan within the next five years.

Although the two sides of the Straits are called "the same text and the same type", the two sides have different social operating mechanisms.Taiwan has conducted eight elections after democratization. People on both sides of the strait have formed different thinking and behavioral models to form different cultural models.Therefore, the interaction between Wang Zhi'an and the host of Ye Yexiu is also the confrontation of the two cultures.In this period, the different uses of words such as "immediately" and "Neptune" on both sides of the strait (including the discussion of the term "support"), and in the flag link, the different interpretation of the same issue on the two parties isCross -strait culture differentiation and different examples.


Taboo problem is also the research field of anthropology. Scholars were originally paid attention to the "incest taboos" between the blood -related people existing in the original tribe.To contemporary society, taboos evolved into various "political correctness".Various taboos in society will help the smooth operation of society.

taboos are related to culture, so different cultures also have different taboos.In mainland China, people respect authority. In May 2023, the talk show actor Li Haoshi used the military slogan to describe wild dogs and was strongly hit; in Taiwan, people can criticize authority, but the protection of the weak of society is particularly valued.The remarks on the show fell.People with disabled should not be ridiculed, and Wang Zhi'an's words and deeds on Ye Ye Show are indeed inappropriate.

In addition to taboos, anthropologists have also discovered a jokeing related relationship between intimate relationships in the original tribe -a person can make a joke with his loved ones.Taboo and teasing, as the two sides of human society, generally exist in various cultures in the world.Obviously, taboos and jokes are also a balanced relationship in contemporary society.

In short, compared with the obvious cultural conflict between the pianist and the Chinese television team, Wang Zhian's small words and deeds on the night show are also a failed cross -cultural exchange case.

The lack of understanding of the cultural content of others is one of the common errors before my person enters different culture.Different taboos between different cultures should pay special attention when conducting cross -cultural exchanges.Obviously, both the Chinese television team and Wang Zhian have negligible.

There is a saying in Chinese, "Officials, and onlookers." Similarly, the research objects of human scholars can usually only be alien -sinologists from overseas have made many visible views on Chinese society.During Wang Zhian's election in the Taiwan election, he visited the three political parties to build a party. He made several issues of Chinese food and sowing, and also helped a mainland netizens to find relatives.For my mainland audience, seeing the customs of Taiwan and hearing what the people of Taiwan are thinking are a cultural shock.

Wang Zhi'an, as a different culture, also criticized Taiwanese society.As a Chinese television team who enters British society, it has disagreed with common public photography in the UK.The criticism and objection expression of these people from others, although touched social taboos, helps people in a culture and understand themselves more clearly.Living in a kind of culture and society for a long time, you may wish to see how the outsiders of the bureau think of this society are definitely beneficial.

In the early 2024, these two small things also reflected the cultural conflicts between Chinese society between China and the West, and even in different regions of the world, which is worth pondering.Different from the typical nature of Chinese culture encounters British culture, different Chinese groups around the world live in different political systems and social environment.It is also worthy of attention.

In view of this, the "beauty and beauty of the United States, the United States and the United States" proposed by Chinese sociologist Fei Xiaotong deserves being re -mentioned. In the face of other cultures, they will always be honest, understood, and tolerant.When the person enters the social and cultural environment of others, strive to achieve the customs of the countryside, it should be a compulsory course for everyone's culture.

The author is a Beijing current affairs commentator