Source: China News Agency

Reporter: Xia Bin

Boots have landed.On the 29th, the China Evergrande Clear Case in the Hong Kong High Court will be reported again.The judge said that China Evergrande's debt restructuring plan lacks progress, and the company's assets are not offset. The company officially ordered Evergrande to liquidate.

How can China Evergrande be liquidated overseas?Can the mainland keeping diplomatic relations continue?How does it affect other private housing companies?

The relevant person in charge of Evergrande China responded: "The results of the court's decision contrary to our original intention, we can only express our best and very regrettable."

The senior partners of Hong Kong well -known Hong Kong accounting firms who are familiar with cross -border reorganization told a reporter from China News Agency: "This ruling is reasonable and reality."

The above -mentioned partners said that combined with the performance and information of the previous capital market, including the expected judgment released by foreign creditors, it can be speculated that under the subsequent liquidation, China Evergrande's reorganization has almost no foundation.At the same time, the relevant regulations of the Hong Kong market are more mature and the law. I believe that liquiders should consider it. With the company's cooperation, through various methods such as active communication and negotiation to protect the interests of creditors and related parties.

Inspection of diplomatic relations is one of the key people's livelihood tasks in China.Xiao Yuan Enterprise, deputy director of the State Administration of Finance and Administration of China, revealed recently that as of the end of 2023, most of the special borrowings of 350 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) have been put on the project. Commercial banks have also provided corresponding commercial supporting financing financing, Ensure that the task of keeping the building is completed.

Sean emphasized that the main body involved in the overseas liquidation of this court is China Evergrande, which is listed in Hong Kong. At present, Evergrande Group and other domestic and foreign subsidiaries as the subject of independent legal entities remain unchanged.It will still work hard to ensure that all key tasks such as domestic business and business stability, steadily promoting key tasks such as insurance and diplomats, and maintaining the quality of property services are not affected. They will still make every effort to ensure the smooth promotion of risk resolution and asset disposal, and try their best to promote various tasks in accordance with the law.

Legal experts who are familiar with the situation also mentioned that the overseas liquidation has only been targeted at China Evergrande, one of the main entities of Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong companies.It must be noted that China Evergrande's liquidation is not equal to the bankruptcy of the main body of Evergrande Group.In the next step, the company's current director's rights termination of the liquidation of the liquidation of the liquidation is terminated, but this series of procedures are generally only for China's Evergrande and its direct assets.

The above -mentioned legal experts particularly emphasized that buyers have legal priority rights in accordance with the law.According to the relevant judicial interpretation issued by the Supreme People's Court, under the corresponding conditions, consumers of commercial housing advocate their right to pay the right to pay for the house delivery and the right to return the request, all of which are preferred by other creditor's rights.In other words, buyers have a solid legal basis in risk resolution and debt settlement.

In addition, China Evergrande, as one of the overseas listed entities of Evergrande Group, is an independent legal person with its domestic and foreign subsidiaries.From the perspective of the equity structure, even if the overseas entity is liquidated, for a period of time, the main business of Evergrande Group in the country will not be substantially affected. It is

"In general, as long as the resolution of debt risks in accordance with laws and regulations is followed by law, there is a legal guarantee for insurance." The legal expert said.

According to the current information integration, the progress of the progress of the security and delivery project involved in Evergrande is generally stable. Industry insiders who are familiar with the situation revealed that Evergrande's house delivery is close to two -thirds, and individual projects may have some difficulties.However, I believe that the house delivery problem can still be properly resolved.

Regarding the risk incidents encountered by Evergrande, there have been some wrong views on the public opinion field. The problems that Evergrande's long -term financial fraud or even crimes have accumulated a lot of risks, which confuses the general problem of housing companies, and even evenTrying to twist Evergrande into danger is caused by no support for private enterprises.A senior market observer told a reporter from China News Agency that it was necessary to take a fair, usual, and objective view of China Evergrande's liquidation.

In his opinion, as long as he stepped on the legal red line and challenged the bottom line of the fairness and justice of law, whether the company was running on or liquid to bankruptcy, there was no "online opening", and there was no "big but not falling."

It should be seen that although the Evergrande issue is indeed serious, the market does not have to be too anxious.From the "16 Financial Articles" in 2022, supporting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, to the "Twenty -15 private economies" support measures announced last year, they have strongly reflected that the official has continued to increase private privately, regardless of its concept, system and implementation level.Economic support.

The financial management department also proposed that all financial institutions should continue to use the "second arrow" (private enterprise bond financing support tools) to support private real estate enterprises to issue bond financing, support real estate enterprises with reasonable equity financing through the capital market, and adhere to the marketThe principles of the rule of law, increase financial support for insurance, and promote the industry mergers and acquisitions and reorganization.

According to relevant persons, as of January 1, 2024, "Second Arrow" has supported nearly 20 private enterprises to issue more than 38 billion yuan in debt financing instruments, involving industries including real estate and manufacturing industries.It has played an important role in improving the financing environment of private enterprises, boosting market confidence, and resolving project risks.

The person in charge of a well -known real estate market agency said that only by the risks caused by a major hidden danger and serious violations of laws and regulations, can they leave a broader and healthier company for other laws of law, compliance, and healthy companies.Survival and development space.