The Chinese men's football team has scored zero -scored in the Asian Cup recently, and has suffered shame again.Public opinion is boiling, some call the head coach to go to get out of class, some scold players too good, and others have to find the former chairman of the Chinese Football Association who have already been closed, Chen Yiyuan and others.In my opinion, every time Chinese football fails, coaches and players are just scapegoats; if they do not face the fundamental problems that have always existed, it will always be difficult to get rid of the predicament.

The fundamental problem is first in the football management system represented by the Chinese Football Association.As the world's first movement, football is well developed in many countries. It requires a large number of talents as a selection sample, which cannot be improved by short -term training.Do a good job of adolescent competitions at all levels so that good seedlings can stand out through relatively cheap professional training, which is also the responsibilities of managers of various countries.Chinese football has neither a good youth foundation nor a cheap professional football training, which has led to the decline in the level of youth football for many years. This is difficult for Chinese football managers to blame.

On the one hand, it is not easy to do the job of youth training. On the other hand, Chinese football managers extend their power to various fields, leading to breeding of corruption.CCTV's anti -corruption feature film continued to promote the disclosure. One night before Chen Yiyuan took office, some people of the local football association gave him 300,000 yuan (about S $ 56,700) to "wharf".The Chinese Football Association is both a manager and an operator. The title sponsorship of a Super League, including the sponsorship of each team, must be packed to the Chinese Football Association.The Chinese Football Association takes great interests and power such as broadcasting costs in their hands. Each club can only see the leaders' faces.This system design itself provides important conditions for corruption.

For a leader, the league policy is swinging once. U23 policy, foreign aid adjustment fee, neutral name, joint -stock reform, etc. The policy is often rainy, regardless of the death of any club.Survive in such an environment. How can the club reflect the subjectivity and how can they feel fair?

Like the Chinese stock market, a stock market that does not start from the interests of investors can only be mud to help the wall.A football market that despises the interests of investors, even if there is a short -term gold dollar football, will eventually be a flash.Just a few days ago, the two clubs in Dalian and Shenzhen announced their dissolution, and the Guangzhou team was in danger.There are high -level teams scattered every year, and it is rare in the world.

Taking the Premier League as an example, the British and Football General mainly regards the English national team and individual cups. The Premier League company is in charge of the Premier League. Everyone has clear power and a clear limit. There are not many cross -zones.The Premier League company is not a superior leader, but a real alliance in the real sense. The clubs participated together and decided together.For example, major issues such as TV broadcast costs and foreign capital entry, etc., must vote together to decide together, rather than the so -called full coordination research for a few rounds and issue a notice decision.

The problem of fake balls and referees over the years is also an important part of China's football management.The issue of referee is actually very Chinese, because it also involves the Football Associations.Two professional teams, the referee should have been neutral and impartial.However, in China, which referee is arranged, it is a matter of the Football Association's ruling committee. The referee has problems. The Football Association will only cover it.

From the Super League to the Basketball CBA League, why is China's referee particularly easy to cause controversy?It is also this referee. When it comes to the international arena, why do other games rarely cause controversy?The ownership of the referee may be fundamental.A special referee company should be established to allow the referee to belong to an institution that is not affected by third parties, rather than let them blow a game, and remember how to satisfy the leader.

Anti -corruption feature film also mentioned that Chen Yiyuan only allowed the national team to achieve achievements as soon as possible.In fact, not only Chen Yiyuan, which one of the leaders of the Football Association can focus on the long -term development of young football?Why do they only care about the present, regardless of the future?If you want to change the Chinese football ecosystem, you cannot avoid these basic problems.This is already common sense.

The author is a reporter from Shandong