China Hainan Government Government Affairs Services Hotline received a call from the citizens recently, stating that he dine at a restaurant, and the facade marked the word "halal". In fact, the owner was the Han nationality.Hold the halal qualification and take corresponding treatment.The government's response is: "After verification, the citizen's complaint is a halal halal belonging to the ethnic minority eating habits. Halal does not need to apply for qualifications from the relevant departments, it is a personal eating habit. Citizens can choose whether to consume in the store."Religion is not involved. It is a dietary habit. Merchants have the freedom to use the "halal" logo.

The Xinjiang Daily published entitled "Halal" to generalize "halal" is an article with unique intentions, which has been 10 years ago.From the author's writing "halal generalization", there is also seven years in the past.During this period, China has experienced halal food legislation, and it has rectified the so -called "pan -clever foodization", "halal food generalization", illegal halal food certification.We have never seen like the Hainan government, thinking that the use of "halal" logo is free.Now, this view of the Hainan government is time to get a consensus on halal.

First of all, the author agrees with this view of halal.This is also in line with the principle of the relevant person in charge of the National Civil Affairs Commission in 2016 when answering the reporter's question on the question of halal food management, and a principle emphasized by the halal food: "In the concept of halal food, the halal food is strictly defined as the dietary customs of the massesInstead of defining halal foods as food that conforms to Islamic teachings, it has established a firewall to prevent religious interference in secular life and provides a strong legal legal guarantee for the orderly and healthy development of Singapore's halal food market.

Follow the principle of separation of politics and education

The government does not look at the halal from religion, which means to operate a halal hotel and processing halal food. There is no special religious license, and the use of halal logo does not need to apply for qualifications to the relevant departments.To operate a halal hotel and processing halal food, you only need to follow general commercial and food regulations to obtain the corresponding business license and food service license.The government does not participate in the approval and certification of specific religious foods, and it can also avoid unfair treatment of other religious or non -religious diet.

This essentially follows a basic principle of the modern national legal system, which is the separation of politics and religion.The government maintains neutrality when managing affairs and formulation, and does not participate or interfere with religious affairs.This is a multicultural and religious country, which helps to maintain social diversification and peace.

However, for the consistency of government policies, relevant Chinese departments and provincial (autonomous regions, cities) halal food management should be abolished.The government does not interfere with the transmission of cultural concepts, including the use of the "Halal" Arabic logo.This also means that the state no longer exists in the problem of "pan -clearing food", "halal food generalization", and illegal halal food certification.

Market -oriented choice

Operating a halal hotel and processing halal food, you can choose to follow specific halal certification standards.This is not a legal requirement, but a market -oriented choice.Merchants choose whether to participate in halal certification according to market and personal needs.When choosing a halal certification agency, merchants can be evaluated based on their reputation, transparency, and degree.Consumers can evaluate whether they have reached the halal standard they think they think according to the trust of the halal certification agency they chose by the merchant, and then choose whether to consume.

Regarding the halal certification agency, considering China's national conditions, the National Religious Bureau and the Islamic Association of China can provide halal certification services.However, the premise is that the state must open up private private institutions to provide halal certification services, such as mosques, Hui people communities, religious groups, cultural groups and chambers of commerce.These halal certification agencies provide halal certification services through reputation, transparency, and degree of compliance, thinking that merchants have attracted a wider range of consumer groups, especially Muslim customers.The halal certification agency shall adopt international universal halal certification standards, including ensuring that food does not include prohibited components, and the production and processing process conforms to Islamic teachings.

The Hainan government's treatment of the issue of sexuality can only be accepted by the parties in the above sense, forming a consensus on halal.Consensus is not without differences, but that everyone's opinions are listened and understood, forming a solution that respects all opinions.In dealing with the treatment of hare, the Chinese government needs to balance the rights and interests of all parties and maintain the neutrality of the principle of separation of political and religion.If only the freedom of the use of "halal" is only emphasized, and restrictions and rectifications are applied to Muslims, it is not freedom, but dual standards and religious discrimination.