Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Mingzhu

After 20 months of negotiations, the Turkish National Assembly approved Sweden to join NATO on the 23rd, and Sweden was closer to the "contract", and Hungary "nodded" among NATO member states.Scholars of interviewees said that Turkey's "release" Sweden was expected by the result of interest exchange, and Hungary would not be the final obstacle.If Sweden joins NATO, it will worsen Russia's strategic situation.

The Turkish National Assembly approved a motion on Sweden with 287 votes in favor and 55 votes against the voting results of 55 votes. Turkish President Erdogan officially agreed to Sweden to join NATO.

Sweden and Finland applied to join NATO in May 2022, but due to the accused of shelter Kurdish Workers' Party and other reasons, Sweden's "enrollment" road was not flat.In order to promote the "admission" process, Sweden repeatedly adjusted the counter -terrorism policy to meet Türkiye's demands.After several pulls, it was not until December 26 last year that the Turkish National Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee only passed a bill on Sweden to join NATO Protocol.Some analysts said that the Turkish Matsukou showed recognition of Sweden's anti -terrorism efforts.

Why is Turkish loose?Director Ding Chun, director of the European Issues Research Center of Fudan University and Professor of EU Morion Moane, told reporters from the Hong Kong News Agency on the 24th that in addition to Sweden responded to Turkey's "anti -terrorism" appeal, the United States and the European Union also for Sweden"Entering the contract" has done a lot of work, including compromise and return to Turkish arms sales and other issues.Erdogan has always been "selling for the price", using Sweden to join NATO to play various cards to seek the maximum benefits for Turkey. This time, it is still the result of interest exchange and compromise.

Ding Chun continued to point out that, in fact, from the Turkish National Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee passed the bill last year, I have seen the hope of Turkish release. This time, it is also unexpected.

After getting Türkiye's release, Hungary's attitude has become a mark of Whether Sweden can join NATO.Although it has not proposed specific conditions for Sweden, before, Hungarian Prime Minister Olban has stated that it will follow Turkey's decision.Olban has invited Swedish Prime Minister to Hungary to discuss joining NATO and release signals that are expected to nod.

"Hungary should not be the final obstacle to Sweden to join NATO." Ding Chun said that Hungary has made it clear that he will look at the attitude of Turkey.Masters, they will use this opportunity to seek benefits and status for Hungary.

Sweden is one step closer to NATO. Both the United States and NATO have welcomed and reiterated that Sweden's joining will "make NATO stronger."This statement makes sense.If Sweden joins NATO, this will give NATO's advantages in the Baltic Sea and strengthen the deterrent of Russia in Nordic, and the Baltic Sea of ​​the Russian strategy will become a "NATO Lake" surrounded by NATO member states.

Ding Chun also said that Sweden and Finland are close to the Arctic Circle, and the strategic location is very dangerous. The border between Finland and Russia has a long border. Two countries join NATO for NATO to curb Russia.Many, this will also worsen Russia's strategic situation, which is a targeted on Russia's strategic situation.