Source: Chinese EU Group of the EU

On January 22, 2024, Ambassador Fu Cong, the head of the Chinese EU, accepted an interview with Kevin Whitelaw, president of the Bloomberg Society, and Tom Hancock, a reporter Tom Hancock.

Bloomberg: China also has its own self -sufficient policy. President Xi Jinping often talks about "self -reliance", and the approach of China and the European Europe is exactly the same.This should be part of the sovereignty of various countries.

Fu Cong: Each country needs to consider its own safety, which is no problem.The question is where the boundaries are drawn.We really need to increase self -reliance.With the support of some European countries, the United States is cutting off the supply chain to China in certain fields.The most obvious example is the light carving machine.Faced with "disconnection", can China only wait for it?Of course, we need to emphasize self -reliance, but this does not mean not working with other countries.

The outside world has doubts about China's "dual -cycle" development pattern.China has a large -scale market, and the development of the economy must first rely on its own market.But as President Xi Jinping pointed out many times, we will actively cooperate with all countries, regions, and enterprises willing to cooperate with China.We are taking various measures to attract foreign capital. The latest example is to give visa -free treatment to seven European countries.We are willing to provide convenience to more tourists and business people.Since the second half of last year, China has also introduced many measures to improve the business environment of foreign investors.

For another example, China is the only country in the world to hold import expo.We hope to provide a platform for potential foreign investors and exporters to display products and technologies for potential foreign investors and exporters.This is an annual exhibition, which has attracted more and more foreign companies.American companies are also very enthusiastic.China has not been isolated from the world, and the days of closing the country have gone forever.

Bloomberg: You mentioned the lithography machine.Obviously, the Netherlands obeyed the pressure of the United States.Are you worried that the European Union will adopt such practices in a larger scale?

Fu Cong: Indeed.The European Commission is proposed on export control and wants to implement it at the EU level.I think this is not a good signal.This will hinder the development of scientific and technological and economic cooperation between the two parties, as well as the development and progress of European enterprises.I believe everyone knows that the executives of the Asmore company in the Netherlands have complained to restricting exports to China.Without the Chinese market, I don't know how long their advantage can be maintained.Never underestimate the wisdom of Chinese scientists and engineers.

Bloomberg: What will China do for Asmore?The Netherlands has just implemented stricter restrictions in January.

Fu Cong: Yes, under the pressure of the United States.

Bloomberg: Do you recognize that the Netherlands has implemented these measures under the pressure of the United States, so there is no need to take countermeasures?Or is it because of the Netherlands that follow the United States, so it is necessary to counter countermeasure?

Fu Cong: As I said, trade measures are the last means.We don't want to see China -EU mutual trade measures.This will cause dual infusion.This is not our policy.