The Bloomberg News Society website published on January 23rd entitled that the US -China competition put Korean chip manufacturers into articles with high costs.Article excerpts as follows:

The situation of a storage chip factory vividly explained that the Korean business leaders and policy makers are facing difficult choices when trying to limit the damage caused by the US -China scientific and technological war.

South Korean chip manufacturer SK Hynix Company acquired this factory in Dalian, China from Intel in 2020. This transaction should help South Korea, the world's second largest storage chip manufacturer to enhance production capacity and globallyThe largest chip market has entered the field of cutting -edge chips.But the situation is the opposite. The factory has caught SK Hynix company into a complex restriction network in the United States.The purpose of the United States is to limit China to materials and equipment that is considered to dominate the future battlefield and industry.

Last fall, the United States gave SK Hemoris and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. indefinitely exempting them to continue exporting some high -end equipment to China.SK Hynix seems to have found a way to solve problems and get rid of the predicament.However, this exemption does not guarantee that it will continue, especially if the leading candidate in the US Republican Party Donald Trump won and returned to the White House in the presidential election in November this year, this exemption is even more guaranteed.

Bloomberg Information Research Company senior analyst Ruoshan Zhengbo believes: "SK Hynix's factory in Dalian vividly reflects the dilemma of Korean chip manufacturers due to restrictions on the implementation of the United States.The uncertainty of the election and the uncertainty of the US policy after the election, if SK Hynix expand its production capacity in Dalian, is likely not to be wise.

South Korea ’s economy is seriously dependent on the semiconductor industry to promote growth.This makes the Korean economy particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of Washington.The United States strives to reduce its dependence on China's supply chain and restrict Beijing to obtain key chip technology.The International Monetary Fund warns that if the economic "decoupled" of the two superpowers in the United States and China, South Korea may become the largest loser in the Asia -Pacific region.

The senior director of the Institute of Economics of Korea Erot Stein Galon said: "South Korea needs to carefully balance the relationship with the United States and China.Economic opportunities, but also brought vulnerability to Korean companies. "

From the moment the US Department of Commerce issued the moment when the use of US advanced chip technology is limited, South Korean policy makers have negotiated with American colleagues at night to try to expand their influence.

President Yin Xiyue took the lead in making eye -catching efforts to strengthen the relationship between South Korea and the United States.SK Hemoris and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. increased their lobbying spending in the United States, trying to make their concerns be reflected in Washington.

Anders, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Commercial Resources of Korea, believes that President Yin Xiyue's efforts "greatly alleviate" chip manufacturing companies in China.But Andan also acknowledged that the prospects are not completely clear for Korean chip manufacturing companies and other companies that rely on trade.

He said, "(What policies to introduce) depend on unexpected geopolitical risks. You will never know what kind of policy will be introduced. In the next few years, we will still face huge political risks, not just in the United States. Many countries are waiting for the results of the new election. Therefore, we do have many new political risks.