In recent years, many official units and private enterprises responsible for urban planning have begun to attach importance to and promote the concept of "Placemaking". Although the intention is good, the effect is not significant.The core of urban creation is to recognize the vitality of a city. It cannot rely on the improvement of urban landscape alone. The vitality of the city comes from the integration of life emotions, history and memory. The overall concept is of positive significance.

Jian'an Building, located on Shili Road, is about to be demolished, but in the countdown of the countdown, because the industry has opened the space to civilian independent operators for a "flash" project, and suddenly rejuvenates new vitality.However, the Jian'an Building is about to close the door this weekend. After the end of the song, does this interesting space experiment have given us some new understanding?

In the past month, because my friends around me are talking about how this declining old building has become the place where young people love linger on weekends, so I visited Jian'an Building several times, and each time I had a novel experience or discovery.EssenceIn the building, some of the original idle stores still have old signboards, and they become old goods stores that are "treasure hunting" or used second -hand clothes and books.The side and walls were creative; the author also participated in a lecture on the historical development and future of Jian'an Building on a weekend, and was full.

Jian'an Building was built in the 1970s. Of course, the old buildings are no longer the same. Because of the dim light and narrow patterns, the overall environment atmosphere is very different from the Urjie Mall or even a new neighborhood mall that is familiar with the general public.However, it is also because it is different from design and shopping choices. It seems that many young people are curious about space.

Recently, I read the experiment of the Jian'an Building in Lianhe Zaobao recently, describing this as "the countdown to the countdown", which makes people feel particularly appropriate.Perhaps because of the time limit, it inspired infinite creativity from bottom to top.

It is understood that Jian'an Building was originally closed, but in August last year, it was a short new life because of a private group called Playpan's private group.The PlayPan organization leases different units to other groups to start the new community economy and ecology of the building.It deliberately rejected a big brand. As long as the groups operate in adhering to the purpose of good purpose, they can use their units at low rent or even free way.

Interestingly, in addition to comparing with the new and modern Singapore shopping malls, the accidental experimental results of Jian'an Building seem to allow government units such as the Urban Reconstruction Bureau to create some more vibrant and suitable space for young people to create some vibrant and suitable young people.The attempt seemed particularly deliberate.

In recent years, many official units and private enterprises responsible for urban planning have begun to attach importance to and promote the concept of "Placemaking". Although the intention is good, the effect is not significant.The author searched online before writing this column and found that the Municipal Bureau of Construction published a manual of how to create a good place in 2021 (Discover How to Make a Great Place).The establishment of identity; the continuous and lifelong education college of the National University of Singapore also offers professional courses to teach local creative students how to practice.

The term local creation originated in the 1960s. At that time, Western scholars were advocating to design a city in a man -oriented manner, including creating a public space and a lively community gathering point, and a process of collective participation and democracy to allow different different processes to make different different different processes to allow different different ways to make different differences.The group creates a sense of identity.

This concept has become popular in recent years, mainly because many cities are facing the problem of space and resource limitations. Managers also need to find novel spatial management solutions.Recently attended the establishment ceremony of the Urban Institute of Singapore Management University. A participant also raised relevant issues at the discussion and suggested that Singapore's promotion of urban space participation governance, especially left some space to the next generation of young people to manage.

However, in this urban country with gold in Singapore, the economic benefits of space are often the biggest consideration. It is not easy to really let the people let go of management space.Even if the project promotes the promotion of the concept of local vital, if various choices are still guided by the principles of market economy, or the lengthy approval procedures, expensive rent, etc.big.

Coincidentally, a reporter of the Straits Times also focused on the survival problems of new independent art settlements such as Pearl ’s Hill Terrace.Taking Pearl Mountains as an example, this past is a new settlement of the camps of the Singapore Police Force. Nowadays, as many as 148 sub -tenants, but its land lease will expire in March 2025. At that time, the Municipal Bureau of Construction may show "Zhenxin Xinxin"Plan, build public and private houses in Pearl Mountains.The article indirectly throws out the issues of thought -provoking, that is, the official definition of "Revitalisation" can really bring vitality to a place, or to take away its original most natural life atmosphere?

Of course, the core of urban creation is that it recognizes the vitality of a city. It cannot rely on the improvement of urban landscape alone. The vitality of the city comes from the integration of life emotions, history and memory, and the overall concept is positive.If you refer to some successful foreign cases, you can find that some "benefit exchange" concept in Jian'an Building experiments is particularly of significance.For example, in some places, government or operators will provide free or cheap spaces to different groups, or provide repair subsidies for old places, and those who use space will give back to public welfare actions.Improved space operations in this way may be a reference plan when retaining the old place in the future.

The author believes that, unlike the construction projects of many countries, the construction of Singapore pays great attention to the construction of hardware in the early days of independence.The past participation was restricted.However, in this process, Singaporeans have accumulated some common memories; from a certain time, everyone’s national identity is also inseparable from old places and old memories.The old one is not necessarily bad.

If you don't believe it, take a walk in Jian'an Building!

The author is the deputy director of the editorial department of the regional environmental media and consulting company Eco-Business