Some polls show that if Trump is convicted in any criminal prosecution, his support in independence and swinging will decline.

The Civil War, which is about the outbreak of the United States in the future of the United States in the near future, will be released locally at the end of April. Recently, it is possible for Trump to enter the White House again.Later, Lenovo.

Trump has recently won the flag in the primary election of the Republican Party, making all circles have to imagine the possibility of being a US president.Considering the results of the Presidential election in 2020, it is widely regarded as a reflection of a US democratic system. Whether the election in 2024 will reflect the fault correction ability of this super power that has been failed, which is attracted attention and concerns from all walks of life.

Political Judgment

Although the trailer of the civil war presents a scene of the American people's flee, militia and US military firefire, fighter bombing of houses, etc. can make fans soaring adrenaline.Separate to attack the capital Washington.The plot of the film may not have any places to connect with the status quo of the United States, but when the film is appearing when the United States enters the crossroads of the political situation, it will inevitably cause the United States to move next.The reverie of the bureau.

Trump can facing as many as 91 criminal prosecutions, including being accused of losing to Biden, trying to overthrow the 2020 election and abuse of high confidential documents, etc.The opponent of the Republican candidate shows that he has the powerful strength representing the Republican Party and can compete with Biden's throne.Criminal lawsuits did not affect his election.Based on Biden's old age and dissatisfaction with the way of dealing with the economy, several recent public opinion investigations have shown that if the election is held now, Trump will defeat Bayon in a positive confrontation.

The reason why Trump is widely regarded as a wrong choice is mainly because he is often unable to discipline during his tenure, and does not pay attention to political norms and precedents.Many analysts believe that once he is elected again, he is expected to challenge or even abolish the existing US political system than the first term.In fact, the picture of the US military's full martial arts on the street in the civil war may not be alarmist.Trump's campaign team discussed that once he won, the first day of his appointment should be cited in the Insurrection Act, so that he could send the army to the streets to maintain order.

Political issues but illegal laws

The most sidepiece is that he repeatedly promised during the recent campaign and drawing in various places to retaliate against political opponents and threatened them to judge them, including Mark Milley, chairman of the co -Chiefs of Bidai and former Chief of Staff,When he refused to make a breath with him, overthrowing the former cabinetist who was attempted to be attempted to the general election in 2020.From the perspective of many people of insight, these cases will not be like the current independent prosecutor's complaint against Trump, but a political trial ordered by him as a national leader.Essence

So far, the efforts to prevent Trump from continuing to run for the election are mainly on judicial actions, but whether it can succeed, most of the views of academic and legal circles are not very optimistic.The Supreme Court has stated at the beginning of the month that it will accept the appeal of Trump's primaries on Colorado and Maine on the 8th next month.Both states said that he was not qualified to serve as president on the grounds of the rebellion after Trump participated in the 2020 election.However, the current judges are mostly appointed during the reign of Trump, and some of them are appointed during their reign. It is generally believed that the Supreme Court will not ruptocate his qualifications next month, and it is more likely to reject it on the grounds of improper procedures.Appeals, otherwise the allegations box is defined as a political issue, not a legal issue to delay the ruling.

In fact, the judges have made a ruling after that, and there is indeed a certain U.S. Constitution, because the constitutional provisions stated that Congress is the only institution in the government to decide to cancel the qualification standard.The Supreme Court must take actions before the presidential qualification topic to intervene; the Congress has accounted for the majority of the Republican House because of the Republican Party, and has not discussed Trump's qualification agenda.

Hidden vulnerability behind the victory

However, in this regard, the discussion says that the democratic system in the United States has lost its ability to correction, but I am afraid that it is too early.First of all, Trump's next Republican candidate primary election may not necessarily win the voucher. His victory in Eva is mainly because of the voting support of many gospel Christians.It is worth noting that the local voting rate has the lowest primaries in previous Republican candidates since 2000.Among the nearly 719,000 Republican voters in the state, Trump only obtained 56,000 support votes this time.Therefore, there is a point of view that there is a certain vulnerability hidden behind his Aowa victory, and many Republican members are actually looking at the wall or looking forward to better candidates.

He won the primary election in New Hampshire this week, but the former US Ambassador Nikki, the former US ambassador to the United Nations, who was supported by the Republican Party, did not show abandonment.Although the Governor of Florida De Santis decided to withdraw from the election earlier and announced support for Trump, Heili has become a strong challenger of Trump in the New Hampshire, which is more than a new Hampshire, which is a strong challenger in the gentle Republican and independent voters.Breaking his inevitability of his ultimate victory in the Republican nomination war.

Secondly, there are still several months before the elections in November. The results of the future criminal trial will probably bring variables to Trump's re -election.Some public opinion surveys show that if Trump is convicted in any criminal prosecution, his support in independence and swinging will decline.

Furthermore, more importantly, some scholars pointed out from the perspective of historical and American political and social structure that the United States can stand the huge test brought by Trump's second term.Establish its political system and constitutional system.Since the development of the United States, there has been a complicated country scattered in various places and different institutions since its development. Even if Trump intends to destroy the democratic system, it may not be able to do it within four years after the victory.

As Joseph Nye, a professor of Harvard University, who is famous in the concept of national soft power, said that the United States may face bad experiences, but "institutions and civil society have enough toughness, we can specialize in specializingTrump's second term is restored. "In an interview with the British Financial Times recently, he pointed out that the United States in the 1960s after President Kennedy was assassinated in the 1960s, in his opinion, was actually worse than the current situation. At that timecannot.Whether the United States is really true in the future is to be proved.

The author is a local current affairs commentator