Trump, who is popular in the US presidential election in 2024, has frequently encountered blows over the past year.In addition to criminal charges and summoning courts in the federal court across the United States, more than 30 states resorted to law, hoping to cancel his qualifications to participate in the 2024 presidential election.

From the perspective of American history, some "extraordinary" president or important political figures are investigated, impeached or litigated for some political scandals during the term of office or after the term of office.Politicians who have been blocked in the near future are the first one in history.The direct reason is closely related to the follow -up storm in the 2020 presidential election.The occurrence of "Mountains in Congress" gave a wonderful excuse for traditional American institutions and all Trump opponents, questioning his infringement of the "democratic cornerstone" in the United States.

In the undefeated east of the film Xiao Ao Jianghu starring Jet Li and Lin Qingxia, Ren Wan said to Linghu Chong: "There are places where there are people in this world, there are grievances, there are grievances, there are rivers and lakes, and people are rivers and lakes."?Because power is a special ability and compulsory, it can strengthen their will to others, so people's desire for power is infinite.We often see different political forces and fierce struggles around power.

In this sense, the United States has the tightness of the contradiction between the two parties. Trump's rapid rise in politics has completely detonated the contradiction.From the perspective of traditional American institutions, Trump's so -called "grassroots political" concept and "Twitter governing the country" method not only greatly destroyed the original political logic of the United States, but also accelerated the rise of populism.The United States, which is free and democratic, is the reputation and status in the international community.

Therefore, it has completely eliminated the bad influence brought by Trump and prevented him from continuing to be active in American politics, which has become a necessary move.However, a series of targets for the US -owned party parties, represented by the Democratic Party, have actually deviated from the important principles of "living for others to live" by the political tolerance.

The various restrictions and targets of Trump are easily described as "political persecution".For example, in August last year, McCarthy, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, made it clear on social media that the US Department of Justice tried to transfer the concern about Biden's negative news and accused the United States of having a "two -layer" judicial system.At the same time, Lawyer, who is responsible for Trump's appeal affairs, said that the president must ensure that the president has exemption.victim.

Obviously, the Trump team is choosing the dilemma for nearly a period of time to perform exaggerated decoration, and intentionally builds public opinion, deliberately create a political persecution atmosphere, trying to make supporters believe that Trump is like "Jesus suffer" and is suffering from from being suffering from "Jesus suffer".The siege of some evil conspiracy groups, thus stabilizing its basic disk.

As soon as 2023 is about to end, Trump has fun and says that he will be a dictator on the "first day" of the new president's term.He is satisfied with some supporters' desire for iron -handed leaders, and the move is exquisitely part of the political attraction of such leaders.Trump's statement also proves that he was dissatisfied with the current US democratic mechanism.As a businessman, Trump often hangs "NeVer Give Up" to his mouth. This is not only his autobiography, but also the first one he emphasized.From the perspective of political psychology, Trump will not succumb to this; on the contrary, he will do his best to win the Republican primaries in the Republican Party, get nominated by president and fight again, and try to recapture the "losing glory".Even though Trump cannot represent the Republican party, he does not rule out the possibility of imitating Little Robert Kennedy and an independent election.

Therefore, after entering 2024, with the growing gunpowder of the presidential election, the horn of "preventing Trump" will sound again, and American politics will once again usher in a short chaos, and the tear of American society will be will be.Further enlargement.

The author is an assistant researcher at Chengdu Sendong Research Institute