On December 25, 2023, Caixin Weekly's 50th issue of 2023 was entitled to revisit the social line. The editorial issued by Caixin Weekly on November 6, which was issued on November 6.Some vibrations.

In 45 years, the years are thick.At the end of 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was re -determined to re -determine that the truth was to be the ideological route, and decisively ended the class struggle as the outline.Reform and opening up has become a key trick to determine the future and fate of contemporary China.In commemoration of the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up, it is not only to retrospect the difficult journey of the past, but not forgetting the original intention, but also to consolidate consensus and cut forward.

At that time, the impact of ten years of turmoil, scarred economy and society, and people's minds.The reason why the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee was able to call back and lay down, and laid the foundation of China's economic steaming foundation. A fundamental experience was to follow the ideological line of seeking truth from facts.Seeking truth from facts is the fundamental view and method of Marxism, and write into the party constitution.The party's ideological line is all from the actual situation, the theory is connected, the theory is reality, the truth is seeking truth from facts, and the truth and development of the truth in practice.Deng Xiaoping said that the success of reform and opening up is not based on the original, but relying on practice and seeking truth from facts.=

Revisiting this ideological route can be more deeply understood. 45 years ago, in the face of the severe situation of being abolished, how firm determination, strong courage, and superb wisdom needed to go through the difficulty.

Only by seeking truth from facts can we clean up the chaos and face the challenge.During the Cultural Revolution, the national economy was on the verge of collapse, but the official still insisted that the situation was good and better and better.Remove far behind.Knowing shame is almost brave.Only by seeking truth from facts can China jump out of the absolute poverty trap.

Only by seeking truth from facts can we emancipate the mind.Only by seeking truth and being pragmatic, we can seek new and change.The topic of Deng Xiaoping's speech at the closing meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and looking forward in unity, which also laid the tone of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee.The previous discussion of truthful discussions set off is exactly whether it is to return to a duel on materialist epistemology and methodology.It is also thanks to seeking truth from facts. In the past, there were some questions that dared to think about, and dared to think about it;

Only by seeking truth from facts can we bravely adjust foreign policies and be in line with the world.For a long time before the reform and opening up, learning from advanced countries was regarded as Chongyang Mei, and the national gate was closed, and the leadership and the public were ignorant of the external world.Around 1978, officials and scholars went abroad to inspect the heat, so that more people saw the true appearance of the world, realized that there was a huge gap between China and foreign countries, and then developed a strong sense of urgency to catch up, and stepped up to comprehensively adjust the internal and external policies.

Only by seeking truth from facts can we rehabilize a large number of cases of injustice and falsehood.The case of rehabilitation and falsehood is to correct the right and wrong.At one time, due to the slow work of two other factors, it started from the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee.According to incomplete statistics, by the end of 1982, a total of 3 million cadres and false and false cases were rejuvenated, and more than 470,000 party members were restored.Through the rehabilitation, it was justice, followed the hearts of the people, and also made up for the talent break.

Revisiting today is the revelation of today, which can make us more soberly realize that in the face of a hundred years of changing situations. Facing the challenges of internal and external challenges, comprehensively deepening reform and opening up is the Avenue of Light. To this end, we must be modest and cautious, quit arrogance,One of irritability.

Only by continuing to seek truth from facts can we solve the real problems encountered in the reform.The 45 -year reform and opening up has achieved great achievements in the world. However, the contradiction between the people's increasing demand for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development is still prominent.At present, the growth of private economy is weak, social expectations have become weak, fiscal and financial risks are revealed, and social security issues are becoming increasingly severe.Facing the real problem, we can solve the real problem.

Only by continuing to seek truth from facts can we further emancipate their minds.In recent years, the central government has strictly investigated formalism, and it is essentially the only principal and dogmaticism of only books.If the superiors did not say, they did not dare to say; if the documents did not mention it, they dare not think; if the leader did not arrange, he did not dare to do it.A valuable experience of reform and opening up is accurate, and he tried boldly and boldly.The 1.4 billion people are the main body of reform and opening up. Reform and opening up must continue to write a new miracle that makes the world's eye -catching look. It is necessary to give full play to their mobility and creativity.

Only by continuing to seek truth from facts can we correct certain improper policies in time.In recent years, the contraction policies of some places and ministries have frequently caused companies, which has harmed enterprises and weakened market expectations.Behind the shrinkage policy, there is a set of governance logic and behavioral methods that deviate from truth -seeking.Recently, the central government has repeatedly emphasized the introduction of shrinkage and inhibitory measures, which not only helps policy optimization, but also reiterates truth from facts.Only by continuing to seek truth from facts can we successfully deal with endless external challenges.At present, globalization has encountered reverse flow, populist ideology is flooding. One day, the section of the section is a day, and the geopolitical conflicts are here.As a responsible country, China has repeatedly reiterated that he has always decided his position and policy in accordance with the right and wrong of the matter itself.In addition, you should accurately evaluate your own strength, not humble or hyperactive.This is a big problem related to China's international situation and moral image.

Reform and opening up is a great awakening. This awakening is based on the major discussion of truth standards, which reflects the strict logic of the historical process and the laws of decision -making at that time.Reform is always on the road, and seeking truth from facts refers to the street lights.Nowadays, in the deep -water area of ​​reform, in the face of difficult hard bones, the Eleventh Central Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee that reflects the spirit of practical facts will provide us with endless inspiration.