Industrial and Commercial Bank of China U.S. subsidiary ICBC Financial Services and Australian Global Port Group have been attacked by cyber attacks, showing that the risks of key infrastructure around the world are increasing, and it also reflects the vulnerability of network security.

On November 9th, ICBC Financial Services issued a statement on the official website that the company was attacked by ransomware, resulting in interruption of some network systems.This attack caused some US Treasury market transactions to be unable to settle. ICBC financial services temporarily owed US $ 9 billion in Mellon Bank of New York, several times more than its net capital.Meilong Bank is a settlement agency of US Treasury bonds.

The hacker who launched the Internet attack is an organization called Lockbit.It claims that ICBC financial services have paid ransom unlocking and "transactions have been completed."Lockbit hidden in Russia, and previously attacked many government agencies and well -known companies, including Boeing and Royal Post.

At the same time, Australia's second largest port operator Australia Global Port Group has also been attacked by the Internet. Starting from November 10, the group cargo transportation in major cities such as Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and other major cities was affected.The Australian cyber security agency described this as a "major national network incident."

After three days of service interruption, the Australian Global Port Group has resumed operation.It did not disclose the motivation of the network attacker and whether to pay the ransom.In September last year, Australia's Australian subsidiary Australia was also attacked by the Internet, with personal information of as many as 10 million customers.

Banks, ports, and telecommunications services are key facilities. Hacker attacks can cause critical services to be paralyzed and cause public panic.Network experts point out that the financial industry has always been one of the industries with the highest maturity of network security capabilities.The attack risk is increasing day by day.

Singapore is committed to developing a wise country, the use of the Internet is quite popular, and the crime of cyber crimes has increased year by year.According to a survey, Singapore's per capita loss in the Internet fraud ranks the crown worldwide.In terms of online attacks, the computer emergency response team under the Singapore Cyber ​​Security Bureau received a total of 132 ransomware reports and help in 2022, but the actual number of victims may be much more than reporters.According to the US Federal Investigation Agency, only 20%of the victims of ransomware in the United States reported the case.

Generally, the gang of online fraud adopts the way to sprinkle the Internet to cheat the chickens and dogs.The Internet attack and ransom from hackers are often targeted attacks. The target target is the ability to pay ransom enterprises or government agencies.Some hackers attack or even national behavior to steal the secrets of other countries or subvert.

For hackers, Singapore is an attractive goal.In addition to the popularization of networks, Singapore is a financial center and a regional or global transportation hub.The key infrastructure is attacked, which not only affects this small island country, but also can radiate to regions or even global supply chains.The greater the destructive power of the Internet, the higher the ransom; the higher the ransom, the greater the willingness to attack the hacker.

The key infrastructure of Singapore has been attacked by hackers. Fortunately, it did not cause much damage.Between June 27 and July 4, 2018, Singapore Health Group was attacked by the Internet, and about 1.5 million personal information was stolen, including the outpatient medicine record of Premier Lee Hsien Loong.On November 1st this year, local government hospitals and comprehensive clinic websites were maliciously attacked and comprehensive faults occurred.The survey showed that the attacker used network traffic to block the server, so that ordinary users were unable to use online services.The motivation of the attacker is unknown.

Like the Internet fraud, hackers attacking everyone is in danger.It is necessary for Singapore to continue to strengthen the toughness of the network, especially the key infrastructure to resist the attack of hackers.In addition to improving the ability to block and repair, the need for hackers' attacks and global cooperation.The Internet world still lacks a set of rules -based multilateral systems, so that hackers can think they want and not be subject to legal sanctions.

Earlier this month, the United States -led anti -extortion software alliance held a meeting in Washington.Including the 48 national representatives in Singapore, and the EU and the Interpol issued a joint statement stating that members of the alliance cannot tolerate the ransom of cyber criminals and strongly recommend that they refuse to pay the ransom to hackers.The conference of the anti -extracing software alliance was still in the ear, and the hacker launched an online attack to the ICBC financial services and the Australian Global Port Group.

The hacker is unscrupulous, and it will launch a network attack at any time to destroy the network of key infrastructure.The network attack of key facilities is like a terrorist attack. The question is not whether it will happen, but when it happens.In the process of accelerating digitalization, in addition to increasing efforts to combat online fraud gangs, it is also necessary to double prevent the hackers' network attacks and extortion.