On the occasion of the Russian and Ukraine War for more than 500 days, the US President Biden made his so -called "difficult decision": providing a bundle bomb for Ukraine to assist the counterattack, and ensure that the Wufang weapons will not exhaust their exhaustion in the short termEssence

What is a cluster munitions, also known as the bundle ammunition)?According to the United Nations, the bundle ammunition can be launched through airdrops or ground. Depending on the model, a bundle ammunition warhead may contain tens to hundreds of explosive bullets.Once shot, the warhead exploded in the air, and the release area of the bullets released can reach more than 30,000 square meters. Anyone who is in this range, including innocent civilians, is difficult to be spared.

The Oslo Convention On Cluster Munitions, which officially entered into force in 2010, is one of the binding international law. It has forbidden to use such weapons.There are 12 signed countries (that is, the Convention has not yet officially approved).Most of the countries (including the Middle East) countries (including the Middle East) have not joined the Convention, including 40, including China, India and Singapore.Three countries that are closely related to the Russian and Ukraine War, Russia, Ukraine, and the United States are not parties.NATO's main member states are parties to the contract.Therefore, the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres must oppose the decision of the United States, and parties to Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Canada must also verbally oppose it.

The bundle bomb has extremely powerful lethality and penetrating power, which can penetrate the steel plate of armored vehicles, but the more terrible is its "posterior trouble".Because there are dozens of "bullets" hidden in a large mother bullet, the "bullets" scattered after the mother bomb exploded, some will not explode because they do not directly touch the hard objects."Dumb bomb".The people of the civilians will explode or disability when they step on the accident, or cause disability, which can be described as endless.

In 2020, the United Nations quoted data from the Red Cross International Committee that in the past 40 years, dozens of armed conflicts around the world have used cluster ammunition, which has continued to this day.Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Cambodia, Chada, Croatia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon, Heishan, Morocco, Russia, Serbia, Sultan, Syrian, Tajikistan and Vietnam and other countries and VietnamRegions are seriously affected by this weapon.Taking Laos as an example, it is estimated that in the 1960s and 1970s, there were about 270 million grenades scattered all over the country, and there were tens of millions of grenades that have not yet exploded.

In the 2018 Bidding Alliance, the annual monitoring report released the annual monitoring report at the Geneva Office of the United Nations, stating that 10 years after the signing of the Convention, 99%of the global beam ammunition inventory has been destroyed.The United States naturally did not destroy such inventory weapons, and now it must be shipped to Ukraine.According to the New York Times, from 1996 to 2020, the U.S. military tested the bundle bombs of these inventory five times, and claimed that the dumb ratio was very low.However, New Year pointed out that the old bullets of inventory actually reached 14%of the failure rate (that is, no explosion).It seems that the arms dealers have successfully used a war to reimburse a number of old weapons.

Ukraine unfortunately will become the next victim (unless the United States and Ukraine will change their minds in the last minute), even if they can kill more enemy forces, they will inevitably bury the people's terrible post -troubles.The question is, can the war with greater lethality end the war?Will there be no contracted Russia that prohibit the bouncing bombs, will it not return to teeth with teeth?In fact, the West has long refers to Russia's use of cluster bombs in Ukraine.This is exactly: it is easy to violent, I do not know it is wrong.But solving the problem with force is in line with the overseas style of the United States.

Monica Duffy TOFT and Sidita Kushi, Monica Duffy TOFT, are called "Kinetic Diplomacy".According to their research, US diplomacy has begun to turn after the 911 terrorist attacks occurred in 2001, abandoning traditional diplomacy and tending to solve problems with force.There are three main reasons for this transformation.The first is the influence of the 911 incident; the second is the inertia of the single pole; the third is that after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the struggle of the great power temporarily subsided. The United States has less scruples and bolder.

After the 1991, the then US President Bush, Bush, regarded some countries as evil axes, like a devil, and must be eliminated by force.Secondly, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the "single -pole moment" appeared. The United States is invincible, more superstitious, and to interfere with other countries' affairs, and to form an inertia of showing force.The United States is increasingly believed that it is an indispensable country in the United States, and more believed in the "American exception theory."

At this period, there was also a "iron triangle" situation of external affairs.The so -called "Iron Triangle" refers to some lobbying forces, federal agencies, federal agencies, and special interest groups and national defense industry.Among them, the most influential to the government is military industry companies such as Military Enterprise, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing.

Monica is a professor and director of the Strategic Research Center of Fletcher Law and Foreign Affairs School of Flora and Diplomacy, and Sida is a assistant professor at Politics at the State University of Brutt.A special article published in the magazine of Foreign Affairs in January this year discussed the root cause of Washington's hobby of force.One of their interesting views is that as China's military strength has strengthened and economic power has become increasingly expanded, the global footprint is becoming increasingly popular, and the United States should be more careful.The more cautious foreign policy in the United States can reduce its possibility of being involved in new global conflicts.In other words, a more powerful China can generate some restrictions on the American adventure behavior.

The new book co -authored by the two died under the sword -Dying by the Sword of US foreign policy a few months ago.Their analysis of U.S. military diplomacy aims to persuade US foreign policy makers to be superstitious and exceptional theory of the United States and avoid forming "path dependence".They believe that the current diplomatic style of the United States not only hurts the United States itself, but also hurts the whole world. Be sure to change the string more and return to the traditional diplomatic model.

This book quotes a paragraph in the Bible Matthew's gospel in the foreword: "Jesus then said to him (generally referred to Peter), put your sword back to the original place, because all the swords will dieUnder the sword. "The PUT Up Again Thy Sword Into His Place, for All the little time with the sword.Judah sold Jesus, took someone to arrest him, Peter's sword came out of the sheath, cut off one of them, but Jesus immediately stopped him and said these words.

For us, the analysis and views of the two scholars are actually not new, but it is still valuable for American policy makers.The so -called speaker, the listener is sorry, it is easy to reverse the inertia of force and diplomacy.As the author pointed out, the US foreign policy is contained and controlled by huge interest groups, and the return of "Wen" to the "Wen" diplomacy is not in line with the interests of these groups.However, if you have been fighting for swords, poor soldiers and martial arts, do not know convergence, the United States will not only lose international prestige, but may also die under the sword.They believe that it may take decades to change the US force and diplomacy and get rid of the superstition of force, but this is the only hope for humans to overcome the current various survival challenges.We should support this kind of compassion.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress