Humans have physiological desires and survival needs like animals.In addition, people also have social desires and value needs. Therefore, in addition to engaging in material production to meet the needs of survival, they must also obtain social identity in terms of the ability advantage and quality differences of material production.But is this so far about people's cognition and regulations?

Human beings have been making unremitting efforts and fighting for survival and development.Nature has created food for humans and has also set up many obstacles. Human beings must fight with nature to maintain basic survival.In this process, human creative tools, developing communities, and continuously strengthening their own strengths, and promoting their own progress.Human beings gradually grasp some of the laws of nature, learn to control nature, and after social change and evolution, social material wealth has achieved amazing growth.

Satisfying the material production required for survival is still an important activity of human beings, and economic relations are still the basis of all superstructure buildings.With the development of digital, automatic, and intelligent technology, especially the breakthrough and application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, many people are becoming more and more worried about excess labor and unemployment.

Humans still have not controlled the technical progress. This double -edged sword.Economist Keynes predicts that by the 21st century, due to its very developed productivity and a significant increase in social wealth, people will live very rich and leisurely.In this regard, Deng Xize is in UBI -benefits or despair?(Lianhe Zaobao July 6th Edition) One article said: "His prediction of wealth growth is accurate, but his predictions on the state of survival are completely wrong."

In the author's opinion, Keynes' prediction is indeed wrong, but he is just wrong to add time restrictions to prediction too much.The stock god Buffett wissed the mistakes that Keynes had made in prediction. He claimed in investment analysis and predicting that predicts should tend to pay attention to what should happen, not when it should happen.Human living standards and quality of survival should be continuously improved with the increase of productivity and social wealth.Kanes predicts that the substance is wrong, although contemporary humans are still in an optimistic or even cruel survival situation.

The social significance of the basic income of the whole people

In order to deal with the common dilemma of human beings, the international aid and basic survival security system came into being, which not only reflects the humanitarian spirit, but also reflects the awareness of the community of human destiny.From this perspective, the "universal basic Income (UBI) president of the president of the technology company OpenAI, the president of the technology company, is worthy of recognition that the actual feasibility and social consequences still need to be discussed.

Deng Xize believes in the article that the future high -tech society will cause humans to despair, and UBI is far from being as simple and beautiful in ideas.The reason is that in addition to having physiological desires, there are also social desires and value needs, and the development of high -tech and UBI ideas will flatten the social differences between people and the possibility and space of human satisfaction.Let humans go despair.

The future is indeed full of uncertainty, and the forecast about the future is even more difficult.The author has no intention of denying the above conclusions, but I just want to put forward some ideas about people, dilute some tragedy at the fate of human beings, and make the "development of high -tech and what impact will UBI bring to human society" and continue to keep openDiscuss space.

People are complex and unpredictable.The famous motto on the temple of ancient Greek "Knowing yourself" is a finger bright lamp that the philosopher pursues wisdom and explores truth.Cognition of itself is an eternal issue that humans cannot escape and cannot solve it once and for all.One of the basic principles of existentialism philosophy is "existence to the essence of the essence".Human self -cognition cannot be based on pure ideas or essential provisions. Human beings need to understand their essence in existence, and deepen their own cognition with the existence.

Humans have never got rid of and stopped material production activities, which is an indisputable fact.But we cannot think that human beings can never get rid of material production activities. After all, the development of high -tech and productive forces can replace labor. This situation is not unimaginable.

It is not possible to assert that the satisfaction of social desires and value needs can always only come from comparison between people in terms of material production capacity and material living standards.Even in today's world, the social value of human beings is not only from showing, vanity and comparison.If one day, human beings get rid of the burden of material production and the struggle of material interests, will it be full of food all day long, nothing to do, and completely become "happy pigs"?not necessarily.Can human destiny only survive when the material data is lacking, or is it completely fallen when the material wealth is abundant?Maybe we have to continue to "know ourselves" instead of staying in this pessimistic self -cognition.

The development of technology and the improvement of productive forces will gradually replace human labor in the field of material production, which is not the phenomenon and trend of modernity.When the cattle are domesticated as the driving force for cultivated land, when a carriage and cars replace human vehicles and sedan seeds, humans have been partially liberated from heavy physical labor.Except for human beads, for life considerations, and against carriages and cars, most people are amazed by human creation, technological progress, and social development.

People will be desperate because the power of animals is greater than themselves and faster than themselves?Human beings are not desperate in the face of nature, how can they feel frustrated and desperate in front of their creators?

Human intelligence transcendence non -AI energy and

The breakthrough development and application of AI seems to have scared humans. They are worried that they will replace humans, make more people lose their jobs, and even make the entire human beings lose value.Although AI can learn and improve themselves, have stronger abilities than humans in many ways, but as a human creator, can it really and completely surpass humans?

I think this will not happen.There are two reasons: First, the basis of AI's operation and self -learning is the program, rules and methods given by humans.In other words, the knowledge and rules that AI depends on the operation are initially given and set by humans. Their self -learning may be able to improve, derives and apply these basic knowledge and rules, so as to give unlimited development and swelling space.; But don't forget that the development and expansion of knowledge and rules can have two very different ways. One is the infinite expansion of simple quantity, and the other is the infinite improvement of quality.

Any at the bottom of the ready -made knowledge and rules has a set of concepts and ideas.AI has intelligence rather than wisdom.Only by having wisdom and at least humans who love wisdom can we start philosophical thinking and fundamental questioning, can promote the leap and qualitative changes of ideas and meaning, thereby opening up a new field of survival and ideological, as well as new infinite knowledge and rules systems.EssenceThis is what humans can do, but any existing machines and technologies, including AI, should not be realized by themselves.This transcendence may be the most unique place of humans compared to any species.

When new technologies and ideas appear, certain functions and values of human beings will be replaced or impacted, which will cause people to be uneasy and anxious. This is normal psychological and social response.But people are transcendence rather than ready -made existences, hope rather than desperate species, because people are always searching for unknown and unparalleled fields, creating new value and significance.Even if the material production function is replaced by machines or technology, even if UBI enables humans to get rid of material production activities, human beings will not fall into the empty and despair black hole.Social value and existence significance.

With this self -awareness and self -trust, perhaps the development of high -tech and UBI ideas is no longer so terrible and not beautiful. After all, they help humans create conditions to move forward to higher levels.

The author is a doctor of philosophy from Shanghai Fudan University, management staff of Huadao Biological Enterprise