U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen ends his visit to China, as he did not look forward to it from all walks of life, this visit did not bring any surprising results.Yellen may strive for a channel for continuous communication between bilateral sides, but she may not be able to change the Chinese government's development trend of bilateral economic and trade relations. Even on the problem of decoupling, it may not have achieved the results of reaching trust and interpretation with China.

At a press conference held in Beijing before returning to China, the position that has been repeatedly emphasized since the parliamentary hearing last month is that the United States has no intention of deciring it with China.It will also make the world unstable.She also said that during the visit of China, she had a "direct, substantial and effective" talks with senior Chinese officials during the visit to China, which was believed to help stable bilateral relations.Although the challenges faced by both sides cannot be resolved overnight, this visit "will help establish a flexible and effective communication channel with the Chinese new economic team."

Meeting with the new team and establishing a connection

There is no doubt that at the press conference, the "low fruit" is used as the basis of highly evaluating the interview. It is an inevitable choice for Yellen to barely add positive significance to visit.After Pan Gongsheng was announced to announce the party secretary of the People's Bank of China, she immediately announced the visits to China. Obviously, it was necessary to meet with officials at all levels of the new team to meet with officials at all levels of the new team.Even if this connection cannot solve the tension between the relationship between the two parties, at least, when she will have the differences in the differences or challenges involved in the financial sector in the future, she can more smoothly connect with Chinese officials.

But from the perspective of the Bayeng government's policy of China and the consistent reflex response of the Chinese government led by Xi Jinping, the two sides suspect the atmosphere of the true intention of the other party.The interview disappeared.This can continue to move each other in public opinion and some areas from the time of visiting Yellen.

Before the visit of Yellen, the United States said through the Wall Street Journal that the Bayeng government would soon announce the restriction of Chinese companies using American cloud services to prevent China from obtaining the use of US advanced artificial intelligence chips computing capabilities.The Netherlands was under pressure from the United States. At the end of last month, it was announced that it would restrict the export of photocatagers from China from September.The Chinese government is not willing to show weakness, and announced that it has implemented export controls on advanced chip manufacturing minerals and 锗.Subsequently, Wei Jianguo, the former deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce of China, also spoke. The export control important raw materials only started, and there were still many anti -countering tools in China.The U.S. Department of Commerce responded quickly that the United States "resolutely" opposed China to announce export control over metals such as cricket and 锗, and it was tough than that of allies in Japan and the European Union with cautious ally.In such an environment, it is easy for both parties to achieve credit increase and doubt.

In fact, Yellen's discourse's discourse was inherited the explanation of the Bayeon government's strategy to China in the Brookon Society of Washington Think Tank on April 27 in the Broon Society of Washington Think Tank on April 27.Sarawin believed at the time that it was the first time that it was stated that the Bayeng government had obtained a consensus that should be "de -risk" instead of decoupled with China and "de -risk" trade in China.In addition, new strategic industrial policies such as chip bills and reducing inflation bills are designed to revitalize the US middle class and US democracy, at the same time to respond to climate change and establish a long -term technological advantage of China.

From the Chinese government's view, the "risk" instead of decoupling in the United States is a disguised discouragement. It is a method of violation of the principles of free trade and adopting protectiveism.Whether such doubts are alleviated with Yellen's visit to China, and it remains to be observed. After all, China does not make a statement against Yellen's opposition to decoupling. The probability is to continue to hold the attitude of "listening to it and watching it".

But it must be pointed out that all kinds of recently released data show that regardless of the United States has repeatedly emphasized the "de -risk" of trade in China, instead of decoupling, the actual situation is that bilateral economic and trade relations are not as close as before.China lost its position as the first trading partner of the United States last year, and fell into third after it fell in Canada and Mexico.

The two bills successfully attracted funds to the United States

The Ryoring INDEX report of the United States Management Consulting Company Corney estimates that it will be the first time that it will account for less than half of the US low -cost imports from Asia for more than 10 years, while Vietnam, India, and India will be the first time in more than 10 years, while Vietnam, IndiaTaiwan and Malaysia will occupy a greater share in Asian products consumed by Americans.Although the reasons are generally considered to be blamed on the US policy, including the rising labor costs and the three -year harsh epidemic prevention and control, China and the United States are struggling with issues such as Xinjiang, South China, Taiwan, and human rights.The tension brought by the relatively brought by it inevitably impacted the relationship between bilateral sides in the economic and trade field.

In addition, since the U.S. Congress passed the chip bill and reduced the inflation bill last August, the tens of billions of dollars provided by the Bayeng government and the new project subsidy and tax credits commitment commitment.One -third of foreign investors attracted companies in domestic and foreign companies in total US $ 204 billion (approximately S $ 275 billion) in the United States.land.In other words, these two bills that exclude new investment in Huazuo as the additional clause are successfully attracted funds to transfer to the United States, resulting in the loss of investment in China to lose a certain attraction.

Considering the current status of bilateral economic and trade relations, it is difficult to imagine that Sino -US relations will be as optimistic as Yellen said at the press conference. The tension is expected to be relieved.It is one thing to be able to sit down with Chinese economic and trade officials. It is another matter if it is possible to achieve mutual trust and doubt to resolve disputes. It is expected that the two parties will continue to confront various topics in the future.

The author is a local freelance writer