Source: Ming Pao

The U.S. Department of Defense announced on Friday (7th) that President Biden has approved to provide cluster bombs to Ukraine as soon as possible at a critical moment, which is expected to be included in the US $ 800 million against the U -military aid.The bundle was widely disabled by the international community because it was easy to cause civilians. Therefore, Washington decided to cause a lot of attacks this time, including international organizations and Democratic members.

Biden argued that it was "very difficult", but referring to the exhaustion of the Ukraine's ammunition, the cluster bomb will be used as a transition period, until the United States produces more 155 mm caliber cannonball to help Wu.American Western allies avoid criticizing the United States, while Russia warned the US decision to make human beings closer to the world war.

It is called "non -permanent provision"

Bynden accepted an exclusive interview with the United States Cable News Network (CNN) the day before yesterday: "This (for Wuwu bombs) is a very difficult decision for me." He said that the Russian and Ukraine War was a war that warped the ammunition war.And the Ukraine's 155mm caliber cannonball is exhausted, and the United States holds less. Therefore, he eventually accepted the advice of the Ministry of Defense to provide a cluster bomb for the transition period of more 155mm artillery shells in Ukraine.

Su Liwen, a national security adviser of the White House, told reporters in the White House on the same day that the Bayeng government acknowledged that if the bundle was ejected, it became a dumb bomb, which would cause damage to civilians.Decide.

He said that Ukraine promised not to use cluster bombs to abroad and try to avoid civilians, but he acknowledged that it was impossible to guarantee that "the battlefield is being transferred at all times."The United States has laws that prohibit the production, use, and transfer dumb bomb rates higher than 1%.The Washington Post reported that the mute rate of the ammunition of the aid cluster was about 6%.Colin Kahl, who is responsible for formulating policies, said at a press conference in the Pentagon that Biden could use presidential power to obtain exemption based on national security reasons.

Oleksii Reznikov welcomes the decision of the United States, saying that it will help the occupied land.Partner exchange information.The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday that the United States decided to show "the so -called counter -display weakness of Ukraine" and Ambassador Anatoly Antonov in the United States warned that the degree of provocation in the United States "exceeded the limit" to make humans closer to the new world war.

British Prime Minister Sunack said that Britain is one of the "not encouraged" conventions of the convention of the consequences of the bundle bomb.Germany, who is also a contractor, shows that he will not be a bomb, but expressed his "understanding" of the United States of the United States. Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said that the United States must not treat the provision of this ammunition.Decide.NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg avoided comments, saying that the supply of weapons and military demand for Ukraine was made by the member state government alone.

38 International Organization Boom "If the Civilian Penalizes"

Congress Villa reported that at least 38 international organizations criticized the United States.The International Independence Human Rights Organization "Humanity and tolerance" (Hi) senior initiative Badiste Chapuis criticized that the US -Purit -Purong conclusion bombs are like "long -term sentence to civilians", which will cause people who are still born to be injured.By.

Some members of the Democratic Party owned by Biden also opposed it.The Democratic Party leader of the House of Representatives, Democratic Party, Democratic Party, Betty McColum, criticized the relevant decision that "there is no need and a terrible error", which means that the use of a cluster will cause sadness, death, and the high cost of removal in the future.

More than 100 countries around the world participated in the 2008 convention of the ammunition of ammunition, and promised not to produce, use, transfer, or store cluster bombs, but the United States, Russia and Ugham did not join the convention.Human Rights Observation Organization pointed out that Ukraine is still a place where a bundle is still used today.It is recorded that the Russian army launched hundreds of ciber bombs in at least 10 states in Ukraine. Preliminary data showed that from February to July last year, the cluster bombs attacked at least 689 civilian casualties in Ukraine.The Ukraine also used a bundle bomb rocket twice.