More and more local catering operators use ingredients produced by Singapore, and some purchases have also increased. The number of local farms has also increased from 221 in 2019 to 257 last year.The phenomenon of this newspaper recently reported is worthy of the attention and relief of Chinese people.According to the statistics of the Singapore Food Bureau, the consumption of local eggs has accounted for about 30 % in the past three years, which is the most successful in local agricultural products, but seafood and vegetables account for less than 10 %.The above three categories of food are the main goals of Singapore's "30 · 30 Vision" proposed in early 2019, so as to achieve 30%of the nutritional nutrition required by local agricultural products in 2030.For this goal, the government has strongly supported the production of local agricultural products in the past few years. It belongs to infrastructure construction, including providing a number of allowances to industry, as well as establishing partnerships with higher education institutions to cooperate with the industry to train the manpower required for training.

With the efforts of relevant agencies, the number of agricultural operators in the past three years has remained stable. There are more than 130 seas and land water industry, with an average of more than a hundred vegetable industry and three egg operators.The current work should be actively promoting demand, which is also the most difficult part of the market economy.

Consumer support will largely determine the vitality of agriculture, but the intention and product quality of the industry are more important.Some people who are concerned about local agriculture believe that "30 · 30 Vision" is important for Singapore. The key to the success or failure can refer to two indicators: First, the industry who has been put into operation in the past few years, how many will continue to stay in the industry after the government allowances are over after the end of the government allowance.Struggle, the second is how fast consumer support can improve.

Dr. Xu Baozheng, Minister of Government of Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Human Management, said on March 2 in the Budget of the Sustainable Ministry of Master for the Capital Commission that to ensure the sustainable growth of local agriculture, the next key step must increase the market.Demand for local agricultural products.

The "Farm -to -Disture Recognition Plan" launched by the Food Bureau in March to encourage operators to purchase local agricultural products is a indicator.According to the information provided by the Singapore Food Bureau to this newspaper, the recognized operators have increased from the original 11 to 16.Because the target consumer group of local agricultural products is not all the people, nor is it to replace importing agricultural products, it shows that people who are willing to accept local agricultural products have increased in the past few years.Some industry players are based on market strategies to avoid cheap and universal agricultural products such as vegetable hearts. Planting crops with high economic value, the effects need to be observed, but overall leafy vegetables are still quite large.

There are few land in Singapore and limited food types that can be produced. Naturally, the industry must carefully evaluate the most favorable products for them.At the same time, consumers' strong support allows more people and funds to be willing to invest in modern agricultural production, which will generate products that can better meet demand and form a virtuous circle.Although local agricultural products cannot be compared with a large number of imports in terms of price, the advantages are the freshness from farm to dining tables and food safety guarantees as Singapore brands.If the industry and regulators can do a good job of the brand guarantee, the long -term will help local ingredients to establish a Japanese -style high -quality and high -quality reputation and maintain the consumption popularity.

On the other hand, small -scale operators who have the intention to operate are not competitive at first. The government can provide more support in funds and technology, encourage more creative and willing agricultural production teams to continue to cultivate for a long time and build brands.

The efforts of cultivating Chinese people to support local agricultural products must also continue. In addition to providing clearer labels in the product, high -quality products that have obtained quality appraisal and market recognition, they can also be rewarded. It is also important to advocate local agricultural products at school.Cultivating consumption awareness and the concept of "farming" from an early age can cultivate human resources for the future agriculture.

Grain supply is a complex ecological chain that involves labor to brainpower, including the effective operation of the supply chain, product quality and promotion, market survey and price formulation, etc.Major topics.Western proverbs have clouds, hungry people are angry people. For small and wealthy Singapore, full of eating and distribution is not a problem. The ability of self -production is a problem.

The international situation is turbulent, climate change, etc. The natural disasters that threatens crops are becoming increasingly unpredictable. The masters of key survival products and technology have seriously affected the national toughness of the country.If you can effectively establish a good ecological chain with agricultural products, the advantages of operators, and the prospects of practitioners, and make good use of science and technology and business strategies to change geographical limitations, it will be the luck of Singapore.When more and more people are willing to invest in agriculture, the "30 · 30 Vision" is not just a goal, but a ceiling that can break through.