Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The 4 -day tour of the US Treasury Secretary Yellen is nearly ended. It is expected that she will have a major breakthrough in this trip. Yellen has said that it is hoped that this trip can promote economic communication and collaboration between China and the United States.Initially, her trip did further ease the effects of Sino -US relations atmosphere.However, on the eve of its visit to China, China implemented "export control" of the two rare metals of the 镓 and 锗 and 锗 last week."The incident has attracted great attention and is still fermenting.From the perspective of the time, the Chinese side does have the intention of Yellen's visit to China, but it also shows that the "foreign relations law" enables the new style of the diplomacy.From the perspective of the rules and regulations, in order to maintain its own national security and establish a complete export control system, China must also cure its body from the way of the West.

It is difficult for the pigeon faction to be a big climate

China is still tit -for -face

As an economic expert in the college faction, Yellen is considered to be a gentle faction with China in the Biden government, but under the political climate of the United States, she needs to perform hard to China."The conference, to ease the relationship with Beijing at the level of financial and gold.As for what she said, the US high -tech ban is "not to gain economic advantages to China", I am afraid that she doesn't even believe it.However, China still gave Yellen a visit to China this time. Except for President Xi Jinping did not come forward, its contact with Chinese officials was wide and the atmosphere of the two sides met with the China trip to China.

As for China before Yellen's visit to China, the export control of rare metals required by the two semiconductors of 镓 (GA) and 锗 (GE), and China specially selected on July 4th.Like missiles for the missile, the meaning of the United States is obvious, but it may not be targeted at Yellen himself.

However, the significance of this export control still cannot be underestimated.Prior to this, China's first "Foreign Relations Law" had just taken effect. White paper and black words stated that the legal basis for anti -sanctions was equivalent to adepting the world that with legal rigid constraints, the past "strategic endurance" space is shrinking. In other words, foreign policiesAfter the institutionalization, sanctions and interference with foreign countries can only be tougal.

The United States has launched a high -tech war against China, and a number of Chinese companies have a blacklist.The United States not only prohibits exported high -end chip production equipment for China, but also pulls Japan and the Netherlands to jointly restrict the export of semiconductor production equipment.Although Japan and the Netherlands have claimed to be "not targeted at a specific country", the spear is self -explanatory.It is in this context that China has decided to control the export of two rare metals.China also emphasized that this move is not forbidden to export or for specific countries.However, the United States and Japan and the Netherlands have been seated and the response has strong. The United States said that it is "resolutely opposed". Japan's words will respond in accordance with the WTO (WTO) rules, and the Netherlands simply calls on the EU to respond.

The development of semiconductor technology is increasingly affected by raw materials.Rare metal to high -tech precision components, just like salt to a dish, although it is clean but indispensable.For substitution, China has full reasons for export control.

China ’s cricket output accounts for more than 95%of the world's, and the output of 锗 锗 accounts for more than 67%of the world.According to customs data, last year, the largest importing country of Chinese products was Japan, Germany, and the Netherlands; the largest importing countries of 锗 products were Japan, France, Germany and the United States.Due to the electrolytic aluminum by -product, large pollution and power consumption, China has paid a huge price to produce these raw materials. Once China stops confession, semiconductors and even military production in the United States and Japan will face serious impact. This is former mainland officials."Not only can it be panicked, but also the pain of some countries."In the past few years, Japan only prohibited the export of chemical raw materials, which made the Korean semiconductor industry suffer, and China's "toolbox" was greater than Japan.Since China issued a regulation announcement, the price of the international market has risen and the prices have risen, which means that this move has initially achieved initial results in consolidating the price of price fixed power.

Rare metal high -tech salt

Export control learning the West

Although China is the largest exporter of the puppet, the main production of high purity essence is still in the United States, and China will import refinement every year.As early as August last year, the US Department of Commerce oxidized the "fourth -generation semiconductor compound" (GAO) was included in the export control list to China.Therefore, in terms of export control, the United States did the first year that China was only fifteen.

Export control is a common practice in the world. The United States and Japan EU have huge export control lists. There are not only many types of controls, but they also cooperate with each other.Export control generally includes three types of objects: one is the key technologies of their own dominant advantages; the other is that the country has a relatively large key material in the world; the third is that it is unique to the country, but it is unique to the country, but it is unique to the country, but it is unique to the country, but it is unique to the country, but it is unique to the country, but it is unique to the country, but it is unique in the country, but it is unique to the country, but it is unique in the country, but it is unique in the country, but it is unique in the country, but it is refined or formed in the country.There is a substance that depends on this.After the Export Control Law of the People's Republic of China took effect in December 2020, China announced the list of export control technology containing more than 30 technologies, but so far it has not announced the complete product export control list of key industries.Therefore, this announcement is of great significance to export control of 锗 and 告 告. China has stated that the control is "to maintain national security and interests" and "have a significant impact on national security".For practical and targeted actions.

As a mature modern country, China should have established its own export control system. In addition to launching a trade or technological war against China for some countries, China does need a similar control system for science and technology, economy, andSocial development services, China's export control is not to destroy the international industry chain, but to break the unreasonable international price and market system under the control of the United States and the West.Paradoxically, it is Western sanctions and containment, which has accelerated the pace of China's improvement of export control system.