Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

"Anti -China Anti -Chinese Beauty" is the highest program of the DPP's ruling. Leader Tsai Ing -wen has a clear banner, resulting in freezing cross -strait relations, but economic and trade still depends on the mainland.Regardless of the blessing of this route for Taiwan, it is precisely at this time that in mainland China, through the WTO's trade barriers to investigate, it will set up a preparation attitude of anti -countermeasures on cross -strait unfair trade, and may end the economic and trade measures of Taiwan.The mainland government has taken the idea of treating differently in different political parties in Taiwan. Therefore, it is foreseeable that if the presidential president failed to create a peaceful atmosphere on both sides of the strait next year, cross -strait economic and trade may be compressed on the other side, which will have a significant impact on the Taiwan economy.

The Democratic Progressive Party President Lai Qingde recently voted for the Wall Street Journal and stated the four pillars of the Taiwan Strait Peace. One of the pillars was economic security.

Lai Qingde said: "Economic security is national security. The dependence on China's trade allows more opportunities to abuse economic instability on the other side.Support domestic innovation industries, unnecessary regulations are unnecessary to ensure that the people of Taiwan enjoy economic development more fairly. "This says that it is righteous.Big risk.

Not to mention, not long ago, the mainland proposed to the WTO for the first time to conduct a trade barrier investigation of Taiwan. The total investigation list totaled 2455 products.Preparation, Taiwan's ECFA, which has benefited a lot from it, is also on its schedule. If Taiwan is determined to continue the "anti -Chinese -pro -Chinese beauty" route, all the chapters will act and return to the principle of pure economic and trade.Stop the profit and stop the profit.If unfortunately, Taiwan's Golden Age who has a huge surplus in the mainland will draw an end, and some of the companies and people's livelihood in Taiwan will suffer significant losses.The "economic security" in Lai Qingde's heart does not know if it covers this aspect, or only thinks that the export of Chinese technology products is unilaterally prohibited and destroyed the mainland's industrial chain. Taiwan has economic security, and can they scare the mainland forces to attack Taiwan?

Of course, the United States is a security barrier in Taiwan, but the mainland is the lifeblood of Taiwan's economic and trade.38.8%of Taiwan ’s exports each year are losing to the mainland, and the source of imports is only 20%. Therefore, Taiwan has a huge surplus to the mainland trade for a long time, and has contributed a lot to Taiwan’ s economic growth and the interests of people ’s livelihood.According to the statistics of Taiwan ’s trade in Taiwan, the total import and export cross -strait imports and exports in the first half of this year reached 165.2 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 9.5%over the same period last year.Without the surplus from mainland China, Taiwan's foreign trade has turned to a deficit, many industries cannot support it, and many employees will be unemployed.

Based on the political strategy consideration, the land side gives Taiwan's economic and trade everywhere to facilitate and benefit, and Taiwan does the opposite. Based on the consideration of protecting the local industry and voting operations, the restrictions on the import of mainland products, the bilateral trade relationship is extremely unbalanced.EssenceThere are as many as 2455 items entered by the mainland in Taiwan, such as electrical jackets, solar water heaters, textile denim cloths, etc. Agricultural products are even more readily available.In the past, Lu Fang had repeatedly forced it. Last year, the Niu Dao trial was prohibited from importing some agricultural and fisheries products, food, and petrochemical products in Taiwan, which made Taiwanese operators feel painful, and then negotiated and communicated by non -green people.It can be seen that the release is still prohibited and not separated from political considerations.

In the next stage, the mainland is likely to deal with the ECFA duration. Since the signing of ECFA in 2010 is based on the 1992 consensus, if the political parties who do not recognize the 1992 consensus are governed, the mainland can be recovered at any time.539 of them cover 88 petrochemical industries, 50 transportation, 107 machinery, 136 textiles, and 18 agricultural and fisheries. Once they are recovered by the mainland, they have a huge impact on Taiwan's economy and people's livelihood.Moreover, the ECFA period has expired, and the mainland has adopted a trade barrier survey, which is completely normal and reasonable; how to deal with it in the future, depending on what choices of President Hou to make.

If the presidential election of the president wants to win the confidence and support of voters, it must make clear countermeasures to the crisis facing cross -strait economic and trade relations.This is the most important economic security issue.