Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The Hong Kong Police National Security Department announced that eight were wanted in overseas Hong Kong people, including three former members of the Legislative Council.The Hong Kong National Security Law has been implemented for three years. The law enforcement of the SAR has fallen inside Hong Kong before, and has recently been suspected of violating the national security law.The high -profile suspension of 8 people this time can be regarded as a phased development of the National Security Law Enforcement. For the official, even if the eight people have refused to cooperate, the Hong Kong National Security Law has exterior effects and needs to implement the law enforcement and curb the intercourse.The international situation is complicated, the struggles of the great power are fierce, and the prevention of the prevention of external forces will be strengthened. It is expected that it will become the focus of national security work in the next stage of the SAR. Officials must not only maintain the high degree of opening up in Hong Kong, but also properly ensure national security.

Special Zone Wanted 8 Overseas Hong Kong people

Highlight the exterior effect of the Guoan Government

The Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect on June 30, 2020. The Guoan Department stated that 260 people have been arrested so far, of which 161 and 5 companies have been charged, 79 of them are convicted or waiting for judgment.Hong Kong has gone through the anti -repair storm in 2019, and maintaining national security has become the focus of the SAR government.The Chief Executive Li Jiachao said a few days ago that to this day, there is still a surge in society. Some people still hope that Hong Kong is unsuccessful and the country will be contained.The power of "anti -China -China chaos" was dispersed. In order to avoid the accountability of the National Security Law, some people walked away, and some of them chose not to stick to politics, and some people continued to engage in activities suspected of endangering national security in different ways.

Like national security laws in many places, the Hong Kong National Security Law has exterior effects.According to Article 37 and 38 of the Law, whether or not it is permanent in Hong Kong, it is a crime of committing the Hong Kong National Security Law overseas.The Hong Kong Government emphasizes the principle of "protection jurisdiction" that meets international law. It means that if someone makes criminal behaviors that endanger national security abroad, the official can exercise criminal jurisdiction through the legal effect of external validity.Earlier, the Police National Security Department sued a 23 -year -old woman who returned to Hong Kong in Japan, saying that she was suspected of publishing independent information in Hong Kong in social media and made incitement. Some of the posts were issued by her in Japan.This time, the National Security Department announced eight overseas Hong Kong people, which also highlighted the exterior effect of the Hong Kong National Security Government.

The 8 -person wanted list announced by the Guoan Department yesterday, including Guo Rongzheng, Xu Zhifeng, and Luo Guancong, a former member of the Legislative Council, Ren Jianfeng, the former Law of the French, Politics, and the "Hong Kong Parliament" sponsor Yuan Gongyi, and the initiator of the "Solid Squad" Liu ZudiGuo Fengyi, executive director of the "Hong Kong Democratic Commission", and Meng Zhanda, the former director of the employee alliance. Many people are currently in the United States and Britain.The harm of the national security allegations faced by the 8 people is far more serious than the information such as Hong Kong independence in social media.The National Security Department emphasized that eight are suspected of collusion with foreign or overseas forces to endanger national security. Some of them have launched activities that advocate Hong Kong independence, including crowdfunding and rally through the online platform;The "exile" parliament; some people asked foreign sanctions to sanctify Hong Kong judges and prosecutors to interfere with Hong Kong justice.In short, the official issued warrant not only targets their national security activities that are currently engaged in anti -repair storms or before leaving Hong Kong.

If the law enforcement of the National Security Law of Hong Kong, it has previously focused on "domestic". This time, eight people's wanted orders were issued. To a certain extent, the official believed that the internal situation was generally controlled. It was time to launch the problem of "overseas" involving "overseas".This stage of development, in the previous case of female student students, and the government's willingness to return to Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as Rongguang) to apply for a prohibited order, it has actually seen it.

Prevent external intervention penetration

Must take into account Hong Kong's uniqueness

Rongguang has Hong Kong independence.In the past half of the year, many Hong Kong teams participated in the international competitions to broadcast the wrong national anthem incident. The organizer broadcast the wrong national anthem to glory because the staff was misleaded by online search results.Many of the online films mentioned in the shape of the enrollment, many of which are released by overseas users.The Hong Kong Government's results of the search for the national anthem have requested that the relevant US Science and Technology Giant companies followed up and corrected.Now the Hong Kong Government applies for the prohibition of the Rongguang Yige, and the result is yet to be decided by the High Court; if the court approves the ban order, it can actually effectively prohibit overseas users from spreading the Rongguang through foreign platforms.You cannot continue to let Rong Guang be regarded as a "national anthem" and must act.For officials, the key to 8 Hong Kong people overseas is also not whether they can be arrested to justice, but must be for it. There is no reason to have laws.

Asanic revealed that Washington's ugly bank was wanted to extradite, and the extradition case of Meng Wanzhou a few years ago was an incident that shocked the international community. Behind the extradition or not, it was actually a sawing of international political power.Anshan hid in Ecuador in the Embassy in Britain for many years, and was finally abandoned. It fell into the hands of Britain and America. Meng Wanzhou was fully rescued and eventually returned to China.Before the anti -repair storm, Hong Kong had a judicial mutual assistance agreement with 19 countries. After the implementation of the Hong Kong State Security Law, European and American countries have stopped judicial assistance with Hong Kong.The eight overseas Hong Kong people wanted by the Hong Kong Government are mainly active in Europe and the United States. With the current international political situation, it is difficult to imagine that these countries will arrest and transfer them to Hong Kong. However, after ten years, what will the world look like?not sure.When Ansanchi fled into Ecuador's embassy in the UK in 2012, I believe that he would not be abandoned in 7 years.

For the SAR Government, this time, 8 people to overseas issued a wanted order, in addition to showing the position of being held in accordance with the law, of course, there is also the meaning of blocking local people to "inside and outside."It is believed that the intervention of external forces is believed to be the focus of the national security work in the SAR in the future.The official emphasizes that 23 Basic Law will be legislated at the latest and next year, and one of the key points is the crime of espionage and the crime of stealing national secrets.As an international metropolis, Hong Kong is highly open to the outside world, but at the same time, it is not easy to maintain national security.Taking the crime of stealing national secrets as an example, it is too loose to be able to effectively maintain national security. It is too harsh, and it may affect Hong Kong and western society and business circles.Official treatment involves overseas national security issues. We must think about it, and think more about the problems from strategic, and take into account Hong Kong's uniqueness.