I moved into the Deyi District of Hongmaoqiao more than ten years ago. There is a very strong citizen atmosphere. Not only is the living facilities convenient, cheap prices, harmonious relations between the people, and the community grassroots leaders also due to their duties.My neighbors are typical Singaporeans. The two left and right are southern Fujian, and they have settled in these 40 years.They will burn incense and worship in the first and fifteen fifteen days. They usually communicate in Minnan, and they have not received higher education and have no stable work.Taking the neighbor on the right as an example, the male owner looked at the construction site at night before retiring. The last job of the hostess was to work in the restaurant, and then fell due to sliding down, and his feet gritted his teeth for half a year before retiring.Another neighbor is generally similar to the Indian family upstairs.Once, An Yan, who lived on the right, was very happy to say that their family would travel to Taiwan at the end of the year.Nearly seventy, she finally had a passport!When I heard this, my wife and I were relatively speechless, but my heart was so heavy in my heart.

It is the same as my intuitive feelings. There are statistical figures in the past few years. The old town of Hongmaoqiao is also one of the lowest income areas across the island.The aging here is particularly serious, and basically the funerals in the surrounding houses have continued.

Deyi District is also very lively. Recently, the lunar calendar has not arrived recently. There have been many nights for the Germans Club to perform.I am very satisfied with the living environment in this area. The only thing that makes me suffer is the song table.Because there are too many songs here!Especially in the middle of the year and near the Lunar New Year, there are often song tables for about a week.Even if the doors and windows are closed, people like people who read and write every day to the late night, wearing earplugs is still difficult to escape the deafening music.

Although I heard that there were a songwriting to relocate due to complaints from residents, I still feel that I have no right to ask for this.Because when I passed downstairs, I often saw that Grandpa Ahi went to the Gogtai a few hours in advance to occupy the place in excitement.What's more, before I moved in, the tradition of the song here for a long time has existed. Even if I move away, unless the older generation thanks, the young people will no longer be interested in, and this tradition will always exist.If I move in, if I do n’t like the old tradition, I hope that the local culture will be accompanied by myself.With the customs of entering the country, respecting local traditional culture is the basic attitude of both foreigners and new immigrants.

The traditional song tradition featuring dialect culture can be traveled at least 80 years ago, and in the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially the festivals, especially the Chinese Yuan celebration and the salary of the god of sacrifice; the content is also from the early Fujian opera, Chaozhou Opera, etc. become dialects popular songs.On the stage, the gorgeous and dazzling sound and light appliances, coupled with funny talks and graceful dances, although it may not meet the aesthetics of the knowledge class, it reflects the strong grassroots feelings.

Director Chen Ziqian has made two movies with the theme of the song table, so many people have a deeper understanding of the industry.Laded a strong needle.Because no matter how we promote it, the art of Genba may be the last carnival of the old dialect culture.Chen Ziqian's movie is not just the collective nostalgia of the Singaporeans. It also analyzes the survival and spiritual struggle of the Chinese in the underground layer in modern transformation.Therefore, how can I endure this kind of noise of this kind of Ganbar, and I still cherish this cultural memory that is about to flow away from our fingertips.

Some people complained in the social media not long ago that people in the group area can stay in the private house area for six to eight hours a day, which makes her "difficult" to endure.Therefore, the residents of the group should be restricted to reduce mutual contact, so as to maintain their "uniqueness".She also pointed out that the residents of HDB houses are completely different from the residents of private houses. The former is only money, while the latter has her own "values and thoughts."

House residents are the basic background color of Singaporeans

This post not only reflects the serious lack of education and morality of the master, but also reflects the arrogance, indifference and alienation of pseudo -upper elites.According to statistics in 2022, 77.9%of local residents live in government housing.And these people are the basic background of the Singaporeans!

Of course, we must condemn the lady's stupid behavior, but what we must be more vigilant is those who enjoy the dividends of Singapore's social development dividends, because living in a closed circle have long lost their to another worldAt least the ability to perceive.

Singapore is the same as other countries. Although it has made a lot of social liquidity, there is still a hidden class distinction.The cleanness, development and modernization of living in apartments and private houses that we can see are just one side of Singapore, and there are more easily overlooked.House civilians.This huge class was deeply hidden and silent.This is like a Gentai performance shocking in all corners of Singapore, but basically only appeared frequently at Xinming Daily.The people who spend a few hundred yuan or thousands of yuan watch the concert, and the two worlds are two worlds in the two -hour excitement in the grasslands of the house.However, if the former has no empathy and empathy after trying to enjoy the material enjoyment. Like the lady, it will be arrogant to seize the cheapness of morality, which will not help the split of the class.

The author is a literary and historical worker, religious researcher