Source: China Youth Daily

Author: Cao Lin

"Text loss" has become a social issue that needs to be paid more and more important.Earlier, a survey conducted by the 2002 respondents by the China Youth Daily Tune Center joint questionnaire network showed that 76.5%of the respondents felt that their language was getting worse.In the Douban Group's "Text Declars and Mutual Assistance Alliance", many netizens who have troubled the "words of words" gathered together: what I want to put into the text is difficult to put in the text, and I will not speak when I leave the stalk.The language is not that you are talking, but "words" are talking about you without your thinking and language generation.Over time, your writing ability has been stubborn, and the ability to express his intentions has shrunk severely, becoming a "infarction" patient, that is, the words of words are missing: social language is scarce, and the language is silent and social fear.Writing cannot meet the requirements of the required, and finish writing in a few words, and the others are squeezed, compiled, and stunned by racking their brains.However, there was no culture that year, and when I saw the sadness of "crying very well", I blurted out. The word "inner roll" almost summarized all the phenomena.Without the ability to express what you think about in rich language.

There are many reasons for text loss, such as less reading, less communication with people, less writing, and excessive relying on electronic media expressions.In the electronic media, the greatest impact on the expression of text and even brings words of words, especially the inferior short videos.In the media environment of frequency light text, the short videos of intuitive, visible, and entertaining form an overwhelming coverage in the spread.Demand videos, almost comprehensively occupying the public reading and visual world.Entertainment is also just, but if the daily reading, information acquisition, and network environment of teenagers are surrounded by these "garbage", it is very terrible.

Some time ago, I ordered a few newspapers and magazines to try to cultivate his habit of obtaining information and knowledge in text reading through paper media.Reading of paper media text is originally the basic way to read, but the current electronic media environment has subverted this tradition. Children have been deeply embedded in the "device paradigm" of iPad, laptop, and mobile phones.EssenceLet him read a newspaper to read a book, first to understand the "serious current affairs hotspot" every day (rather than the hexagrams on the hot search of social media); the second is to cultivate focus. Reading and reading newspapers are not as natural as the electronic media.Boring, but reading must have a boring process, first astringent, then slow, and fast, to enter the concentrated state required for in -depth thinking.As the communication scientist Mc Luhan said, the slender, straight, and neatly arranged characters in printed materials can keep humans sober and calm.Third, text reading can nourish the output of text. The image of short videos is intuitive. It is only time to consume and eliminate your time.

See how many inferior short videos on the hot search are produced?An interview with a media, based on the popular video of a platform as the entry point, talked about traffic and the problems of behind -the -scenes production.From beginning to end, that short video producer is emphasizing, "Don't talk about logic, the audience does not need high -level things" "Don't educate the audience, satisfy them as much as possible", "The audience is lazy, don't let them brains", "The audience has no audience, there is no audience.Patience, just make them refreshing. "—— really makes people realize, do not talk about logic, as much as possible; don't let them move their brains and let them refreshing. Isn't this the feeling of those hot short videos?

This is creepy, not brain, satisfy sensory stimuli, not to talk about logic, cool, soaked in such a inferior visualized environment, how can a person maintain the ability to think, and how can he not suffer from words of words?The text is linear and rational. It requires brain and logic to restrain the "cool" and "stimulus". The reading environment of "attaching importance to frequency and light text" impacted the thinking of text expression and weakened the position of text as the basic expression medium.

The author of Entertainment to Dead Book, Bozman, said: The understanding of truth in the university is closely related to the structure and logic of printing text. Therefore, candidates with high degree must be described as papers.This is because the written text enables the thought to easily accept the continuous and strict review of others, and solidify the language in writing.You need to take the language in front of you to see what it means, find out its mistakes, and understand its revelation -indeed, this is why those affairs that are vital to humans must resort to the text to solidify, seriousness and seriousness.Discussion and sharing often use paper text as a communication agency.In 2003, Boeing used 28 PPT PPT to convince NASA that the Colombian spacecraft would not be dangerous because of a hard bubble falling off.As a result, the Colombia crashed in the return.From then on, NASA stipulates that in important events, PPT is prohibited from reporting and demonstration, and "complete sentences" and "logical text" must be used.

The text falls on the paper, and it is difficult to change the black and black words, so it becomes solemn and sacred.Not only is "aerospace" such a matter about countless lives, it is necessary to "logical text", and so is the same. The image, intuitive, and visible power can be used to enhance persuasiveness, appeal and communication.

Videoization and visualization, it is easy to give readers a "direct target" sense of direct, more direct, that is the scene of joy, that is, green mountains and green water, that is, the earth is vast and snowy, letting the text shrinks.It is this "emotional intuitive", intuitive enough to the existence of no text, and no need to describe this thinking intermediary by text.

When the medium of television is still in the development and trial stage, the film theorist Aimham foresees its test of wisdom: "The more complete the tools we have directly, the more likely it to fall into one.The illusion of danger is that it is equivalent to knowing and understanding. TV is a serious new test for our wisdom. This new method will make our lives richer if it is mastered.Our head is asleep. We must not forget that in the past, because people could not transport their own experience and could not convey it to others, so that the use of language and words became necessary and forced humans to use their minds to develop the concept., People must summarize from special among them; people must choose, compare and think. When they can communicate with their hands with their fingers, their mouths will become silent.It will shrink. "

It's too deep.Text is not just text, it is closely related to thinking.The process of text is the process of using conceptual thinking, summarizing, abstraction, refining, comparison, description, and using text to think and output, forcing the brain training to sum up and refine the ability.The intuitive and visible video has lifted people's "hard work of writing", everything is in the video -the words of words are silent, and the corresponding thinking and mind shrink.

Video and images provides a kind of "feeling intuitive", this "intuitive" means daily, tentacles, and non -abstract.To see it, this is called "self -confidence", and you don't need language and words.In -depth thinking such as logic, concepts, and abstraction must be used by the help of words. The function of the text is to jump into "essential intuitive" through "feel intuitive".EssenceRecently, the commonly used online term "too beautiful" "Thai pants spicy" (indicating "too cool"). This is just a sense of intuitive level. How is it beautiful?I saw it at the beginning of the city, and I heard it in the past.The eyes were ashamed, and Dan lips laughed.Wind roll grape belt, sunlight pomegranate skirt.The texture of beauty comes out.High -level beauty, insightful beauty, are imaginative in the text.Wen Xin Dragon expresses this state of text very thoroughly: Therefore, the resentment of the narrative, then Yu Yi is susceptible; if you describe the residence, it is difficult to worry about;Then when you see it.

Mike Luhan said that the letters make our brain more concrete perception from our nature.What does that mean?We have the same nature in our natureThe sense of perception, dependence on the concrete and image things, and the text allows us to get rid of this dependence, to form a "separation" with specific things, and to calm, deep, and universal thinking in the "separation".For example, the power of elephants can see that from its huge and bulky figure and stout limbs, can you perceive, but can you perceive the power of ants?Thousands of miles of embankment, defeated the ant hole, the power of ants can collapse the strong embankment.Our naked eye can't see how the ants eat a solid embankment, which requires resort to abstract.Go to the east of Dajiang, the big waves are sandwiched, rolling up thousands of snow, the power of the huge waves is visible, but the power of dripping water is invisible.The power of the lion is intuitive, but what about the power of bacteria and viruses in our bodies?You can't use microscopes to call abstract capabilities.Concepts, induction, logic, refinement, and classification, these thinking grammar that is closely connected to the text, surpassing the nature of things to see things in daily life.Abstract requires "seeking explanations in the concept of phenomenon and expressed in the form of simplified propositions."

Because language and text are indirect when describing "image", philosopher Hegel believes that "when language evokes a specific picture, it is not to perceive a kind of outside thing in front of you, but it will always be in"A "heart leads to the gods", it trains our mental grammar, expand our intention space, comprehensively mobilize the feeling and thinking system, and interpret the meaning behind the text.In the 15th year of the Wenchuan earthquake, it was not the tragic disaster vision that shocked me, but such a bland text: the year of the earthquake, I was six years old.I live, and many classmates are gone.Now I go to college and meet the parents of those classmates every time I go home.They all pulled me and looked up and down, "It's so big."

Such a bland description can set off a huge wave in people's hearts and make people cry. It is not to resort to the impact of emotional intuitive and intuitive, but in mobilizing people's feelings and thinking imaginations.Complete a commemorative.For reading and writing, it is more importantly this kind of "thinking", which makes people think, let people participate in conclusions in thinking, evoke common human feelings, and solidify deeper memory.

The pictures that resort to intuitive, image, pleasure, and fun are more about stimulating sensory stimuli and desire consumption.When you watch short videos, you will be in a rhythmic infection or empty state, rarely follow up, and fewer synchronous thinking of "telling it out".Reading is not the same. For example, Zhou Xian, a professor of literature that has been advocating reading: Reading and thinking is inseparable, and the understanding of text is to try to understand what subsequent refers to through abstract energy.Sweep the fonts in an orderly manner, and constantly convert the head into a specific meaning.Reading is calm, two -way, and can be repeated, while the video is one -way, irreversible, and not pause.The silent and rational thinking of reading helps to build "rational and autonomous self", so that the activity of words to maintain text in silence and meditation.

Language and text are thought and generated, and the text promotes thoughtfulness. The words of words are not only words, but also the ability to think deeply with concepts and logic.The short videos of those entertainment you are abandoned.Quietly, open the book.