Source: Rule of Law Daily

5.9 yuan two breads, 12.9 yuan three -copy sushi ... The merchant will randomly match the food that day is not sold, and sells the so -called "leftovers blind box" at preferential prices.The sales form of this kind of food blind box is now quietly emerging in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing. Netizens who have "early adopters" have published notes on social platforms to "show off".Can't grab ".

What are the "leftovers blind box"?Can its food safety be guaranteed?Around these issues, the reporter of the rule of law Daily conducted a recent investigation.

The remaining food transforms into a blind box

The original intention is to reduce waste

At 10 o'clock on June 27th, the reporter saw on the small program cherishing the magic bag that a group of goods called "Magic Bag" "New", and their categories were mostly bread, cakes, sushi, etc.With the words "random match", "surprise different".The reporter randomly placed the "magic bag" of a bakery in Chaoyang District, Beijing. The pickup time was from 6:30 pm to 7:50 pm.

At 8 pm that day, the reporter came to this bakery to pick up the goods. The blind box product of 17.9 yuan had been sealed with a shopping bag.It was dismantled and found that there was a red bean toast, a sausage meal, and a caterpillar bread.According to estimates, if these products are purchased at a regular price, it takes about 40 yuan.

The merchant told reporters that the bread in the blind box was not made that day, but it was completely okay to eat the next day; the number of blind boxes determined according to the actual sales volume, usually about 7 bags per day; most buyers are young people, most of them are young people, and most of them are young people.Blind box products generally "not" on the shelves.

Ms. Sun, a citizen of Changsha, Hunan, 26 years old, is a frequent visitor to the "Basic Blood Box". She has "adopted early" since last year."I brushed the information on the short video platform, and then I found that there is a 'leftovers blind box' for Changsha. I bought two European bags for 12.9 yuan for the first time. It is appropriate to take it back as breakfast.The fun of the blind box is that you don't know what you can buy in the end, and the breakfast every day is different. "Ms. Sun said.

Mr. Yin from Hangzhou, Zhejiang told reporters that he also bought a "leftovers blind box". "The meal time is 9 o'clock in the evening.Box shrimp, as well as small dishes such as Yizi roasted, seaweed shredded ".

Reporters compared to multiple "Blind Basic Box" small programs found that the blind box products are mainly bread, sushi and finge, as well as fruits, milk tea, etc. Some of them are well -known chain baking shops; blind box products can make appointments through appointmentsOr the way to buy online, the pick -up time is more after 6:30 pm.

Why did the "Blind Blood Box" appear?

According to public information, a few years ago, the application software for selling "leftovers" was sold abroad.Subsequently, this sales model gradually became popular in many cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Changsha, Chengdu, etc., cherishing local platforms such as magic bags, rice -grain boxes, and fun bags into young people's vision.It is worth noting that these platforms settled in the business districts and office areas, and there are not many users.

According to industry insiders, it is difficult for fresh food stores to fully match sales and estimated output, which has spawned the landing of the "leftovers blind box".

Sun Guo, the head of the magic bag platform, introduced to reporters that all food categories that are sold first and then sold may cause the surplus of sales due to various factors such as inaccurate production ordering, weather, and market factors.Their original intention was to solve the problem of food waste, and it could also allow consumers to buy "magic bags" at more affordable prices.

So, can food be sold in the form of blind boxes?

In June of this year, the State Administration of Market Supervision issued a guidelines for the standardization of blind box business behavior (trial) (hereinafter referred to as the guidelines) stipulated that "food and cosmetics do not have the conditions for ensuring quality and safety and consumer equity, shall not be based on a blind box.Form sales. "

Guidelines also emphasize that if food operators are engaged in food sales and catering services, other blind box commodities are attached to promotional activities, and the relevant provisions of the Anti -Food Waste Law shall be complied with.Catering service operators shall not induce or mislead consumers with extra order.

"Under the premise of being able to protect quality and safety and consumer rights, compliance with anti -food waste law, food can be sold in the form of blind boxes."Rao Wei, a senior partner of Juntai Law Firm, believes.

Ren Chao, a professor at the School of East China University of Political Science and Law, told reporters that food selling in the form of blind boxes is a controversial issue. When considering whether food can be sold in the form of blind boxes, multiple conditions should be comprehensively.

"One condition is food safety guarantee: food as a necessity for daily life, its safety and quality are crucial. It must meet the relevant food safety standards and quality requirements, including ensuring that food is fresh but not expected, reasonably stored, not contaminated, not contaminatedAnd meet hygiene standards, etc. Another condition is the protection of consumer rights: food blind box sales must ensure the protection of consumers 'rights and interests, including clarifying consumers' quality problems when buying blind box foods, complete after -sales serviceAnd complaint channels, etc. "Ren Chao said.

Blind boxes are mostly facing food

Questioning information without labeling

The reporter found in the survey that most of the Chinese "leftovers blind boxes" are mostly food -based foods. Generally, it is the inventory and fast -expired foods that the catering merchants have not sold on the day.The order can be canceled at least 5 hours within a minute and the deadline for pickup, otherwise it will not be canceled and refund.In this regard, some consumers say that if you buy foods that do not fit your taste, it will cause waste.

Although Ms. Sun often bought the "leftovers blind box", she was also worried that the "leftovers blind box" had only one layer of shopping bags outside. In addition, there was no product information.What should I do if it is good "?

The reporter found in the survey that many stores have completed the packaging process before consumers pick up the goods in the store. Because the "leftovers blind box" is mostly grilled and cash -made food, it is usually not marked on the packaging.Production information.Not only did consumers see food, but even information such as the ingredients, shelf life, and preservation conditions that should be marked also disappeared on the outer packaging.

In the interview, some consumers told reporters: "I bought it several times, and one of them stepped on the pit. The blind box foods they were opened are not good for themselves, and the taste is not good." In this consumerIt seems that the merchants selling "leftovers blind boxes" are uneven, and some will fool consumers.

Also consumers are worried about allergies in foods.At present, only some merchants have taboos and allergies on the product page: "If you have a taboo or allergic to certain ingredients, please consult the merchant in advance."

More consumers are worried that they will buy foods near the shelf life, and gastrointestinal discomfort after eating.

In this regard, Ren Chao said that according to the relevant provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, when the merchant sells the blind box of the temporary product, it should clearly indicate the "leaving" or other corresponding content on the product packaging, and provide the product that provides the productSettlement information.This is not only the legal obligation of the operator, but also the deserved meaning of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Anti -food waste implemented in April 2021 is clearly clear in the form of law: "Supermarkets, shopping malls and other food operators should strengthen their daily inspections of foods they operate, and make special labels or centralized display for food classification management near the shelf life.Sale. "

"Merchants selling the duration of products should ensure that the price of the blind box they priced consistent with the actual value of the product. Consumers should be able to reasonably expected the product value obtained when purchasing the blind box of the date of the product, and pay the price before purchasing the price.There is a clear understanding. The sale of the disappear of the food blind box also needs to ensure that consumersRights and interests are protected."Ren Chao said.

Persist in the bottom line of food safety

Clarify the sales standard of blind box

In recent years, blind boxes have become hot words in the consumer market, and uncertain interest has been popular with consumers.Blind box wind blows from the fields of toys, clothing and other fields to the catering industry, and has created a "leftovers blind box".

In Rao Wei's view, the "Lifting Blood Box" provides the possibility of reappearing food products that have not been traded. If this model can develop benign, it will help merchants to reduce operating costs and consumers buy them.Foods with cost -effectiveness, while reducing food waste.

But the food safety issues involved in the "leftovers" have also attracted much attention.

In the interview, some salesmen and platforms told reporters that they would strictly control quality and safety.

Sun Guomin introduced that in order to ensure food safety, when merchants settled in the platform, they would be strictly selected and reviewed to ensure that they are complete and meet the requirements of laws and regulations.Tracking and managing the quality and shelf life of food; the user takes the "magic bag" to the store. When opening the "magic bag", you can view the quality and time of the product. There is no risk of third -party contact with food to ensure food safety.

Experts interviewed believe that although the "leftovers blind box" model has just begun, food safety supervision work cannot be absent.

Ren Chao suggested that in order to better regulate the operation of the "Blind Basic Box Box" model, subjects of all parties should pay attention to the following issues and take corresponding measures.From the perspective of operators or merchants, merchants should strengthen food safety management, ensure that the food sold meets safety and quality standards, and adopts correct storage, processing and packaging methods to ensure the freshness and safety of food.In terms of information disclosure, merchants should have a clear product logo, including the source of ingredients, production date, quality shelf life, preservation method, etc., so that consumers can make awareness decision.In terms of quality control, merchants should establish a comprehensive quality control system to ensure that the food quality in the "remaining vegetable blind box" is reliable, including strict testing, quality control procedures and standardized operations.

"From the perspective of government departments, the relevant regulatory authorities should increase their supervision of the sales of 'leftovers blind box', establish a sound supervision and inspection mechanism, strengthen the daily supervision and sampling testing of merchants, and improve the relevant related related related related related related related related related related related related regulations.Rules and specifications, clarify the standards and requirements of the sales of "leftovers blind box '' to protect consumers' rights and food safety." Ren Chao said.

From the perspective of Ren Chao, as far as consumers are concerned, they should understand the relevant knowledge of food selection and purchase, read product information, consider their own needs, and treat the sales of blind box rationally.Consumers should choose merchants with reputation and good reputation to buy "leftovers blind boxes" to avoid foods that are unknown or not in compliance with safety requirements.It is also necessary to pay attention to providing feedback and suggestions to help merchants and regulators improve product quality and services.

The safe and orderly development of "'Remaining Vegetable Blind Box" also requires social co -governance. The media can strengthen supervision reports on' leftover blind box ', revealing industry problems and irregular phenomena, promoting social attention and joint supervision. Industry associations and businesses should actively strengthen self -discipline, formulate industry standards and specifications, and promote the healthy development of the industry. "Ren Chao appealed.