Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

Since Cai Yingwen's ruling, due to the interruption of diplomatic relations, the free trade agreement (FTA) of Taiwan and Nicaragua and Salvador has failed, and it will also end at the end of this year with Honduras FTA.The Cai government claims that Taiwan and these countries have not been hot and have lost their three FTAs on Taiwan.During this period, the government also concluded the FTA with four diplomatic countries including Paraguay, but in terms of the scope and degree of liberalization, it does not meet the general FTA standards;loss.

Together with four new FTAs, Taiwan and Panama, Guatemala, Mainland China, New Zealand, and Singapore have maintained FTA in total.Taiwan not only grows slowly in the number of FTA, but also has an export cover rate, that is, the export enjoyed FTA discounts accounting for about 10.7%, far behind other countries, and most of them are from the Cai government's originally desire to remove it.Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Architecture Agreement (ECFA).

Joining the Capital Pacific Partnership Comprehensive Progress Agreement (CPTPP) has always been the best priority of Taiwan. The government emphasized that it has already been prepared, but has not applied for decision -making.It was not until Taiwan that was regarded as poor conditions in Taiwan in September 2021 that Taiwan officially applied for overtaking, but it was passive.

CPTPP is about to hold the executive committee recently. Taiwan Nianzi expects to set up a working group; for this reason, it has also opened the imports of American Lai pigs, Japanese Fukushima products, and even Canadian full -age cattle.Public support of the above countries.CPTPP has become a battlefield on both sides of the strait, and cross -strait application has become a zero -sum game.However, this year's CPTPP rotating Chairman Guo New Zealand Prime Minister visited the mainland and signed a number of agreements. This year, the difficulty of successfully establishing a Taiwan working group this year is not low.

Regional economic integration is backward, and it has also affected exports. The continuous decline of exports has caused the economy to grow negatively in two seasons.All major markets in Taiwan have declined, of which the decline in mainland China is the most obvious. In addition, non -zero tariff products in traditional industries have far more than zero -tariff projects focusing on semiconductors.In addition to the changing factors, the lack of FTA network is also an important reason.

The issue of restarting the service trade recently has become the focus. In addition to the outdated opposition with the service trade with service trade, the Tsai government has also been decoupled with mainland China worldwide.The fact that even if countries are underwritten China, they are still the fact that they are with the broad -signing agreement with mainland China.

In addition to the incomplete economic integration of foreign regions, the construction of the internal economic and trade system in Taiwan is also backward.The "Regulations on Cross -Strait Agreement" promised by the government's promotion of the government has not yet made no progress; so that the results of the cross -strait will not be implemented even if they have the opportunity to restart negotiations in the future.

The Cai government has made a full effort to create relations with the United States, and signed the first batch of agreements to the 21st Century Trade initiative of Taiwan and the United States in June this year.The government emphasizes that this result is not only a major progress in Taiwan's regional integration, but also a milestone of Taiwan -US relations, and can pave the way for Taiwan and the United States.In all fairness, Taiwan and the United States have a positive benefit to improving the Taiwan's economic and trade system, but the lack of market openness has greatly reduced the effect.


The Cai government period has signed and effective after the CPTPP and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partner Agreement (RCEP). Taiwan has been excluded from Taiwan and has been affected by impact.Secondly, compared with the upgraded version of the Chinese mainland and the FTA of Asian and New Zealand, Taiwan is promoting the existing FTA upgrade and does not act.Other functional agreements, such as the Digital Economic Partnership Agreement (DEPA), are also difficult for Taiwan to cut in.

In recent years, global economic integration has not only made rapid progress, but also more diversified; but Taiwan is still in place, and it cannot open up territory in all aspects.The Tsai government fully beautified Taiwan's US 21st Century Trade initiative, emphasizing that it can be used as an indicator of Taiwan's promoting regional economic integration;The decline of exports.

Taiwan cannot break through due to the lack of macro strategies in response to the diversified trend of regional economic integration, and it can hardly see the rear lights of competitors.With the more dangerous cross -strait relations, the road to regional economic integration in Taiwan has become narrower, and future challenges will inevitably become more severe.