Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ling Yichen

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao's first anniversary and the 26th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.Looking back at the past year, the Chief Executive is committed to telling the story of Hong Kong and describing Hong Kong on the starting line of "governing and prosperity"; however, look at each small Hong Kong story, the foundation of "rule" is weak, and "Xing" is "Xing".Insufficient vitality, do not feel good at yourself.The famous sociologist Lu Dalen pointed out in the column that the current government policy explanations have been vulnerable, and they lack the benign interaction with all parties. "Fortunately," the citizens are cautious at the moment, and they have not expressed strong opposition for the time being, but they have not given positive feedback.The well -known blog "Jinghai Hou" in Mainland China also wrote an article reminding that Hong Kong is still far from the goal of "from chaos to governance and governance and Xingxing".He Jianzong, a member of the expert group of the Chief Executive Group, told Hong Kong 01 that compared to the previous government, the current government has adopted a more positive attitude to deal with many difficult problems, and the next stage should focus on solving the style and efficiency of civil servants at all levels, prompting them to and with them withTime to advance, leading the public into the overall situation of national development.

Singing and dancing or hidden?

"To change the concept of governance, grasp the relationship between the government and the market, and better integrate the government and the high -efficiency market", "the central government fully supports Hong Kong to actively and steadily promote the reform, break the consolidation of interestsThe huge creativity and development vitality "," Hong Kong's biggest people's hearts is to hope that life will become better, hope that the house is more spacious, the opportunity to start a business is more, the children's education is better, the older is getting older,"Take care of better", "to exclude all interference and consequences of consequences" -An July 1 last year, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Mainland Government and President Xi Jinping, eliminated the inauguration ceremony of the 6th SAR Government in Hong Kong, and improved the level of governance.In terms of strengthening development of kinetic energy, resolving the problems of people's livelihood, and maintaining harmony and stability, the Li Jiachao government proposed the "four hopes".

One year later, the teachings of the central government were still in the ear, and the administrative results of the SAR government were special.Judging from the information disclosed by Li Jiachao's interview with the media in a row, he seems to be quite satisfied with the governance performance of himself and the accountability team, constantly reiterating the happiness of citizens, the society is more united, and Hong Kong is more positive.But at the same time, there are also many voices that this kind of "singing and dancing" may be hidden, because the resource allocation has not been reorganized and the industrial policy has not yet been improved, so the houses have not been said toIt has not been resolved, the industry has not been upgraded, the income has not been improved, the working hours are still unlimited, the surrender has not yet started, and the medical care has not improved ... It is really difficult to gain a sense of gain and happiness.

There is a distance between government and citizens

"There is a distance between the government and the people. The feeling may not be indifferent, but it must be indifferent.Lecture professor Lu Dale (June 30th) published a distance from the government and the public in the column that when the government repeatedly emphasized from chaos to governance, from governance and aggressive, and embarked on the journey, but the people were whispering -official -officials -officials -officialHave you ever passed the "fire position"?Is it unnecessary to "heavy hands" to people?Is the governance style less "Hong Kong flavor"?"Although many governments' actions and behaviors have not caused a strong response (related to ordinary citizens), they have not encouraged the people to actively give back."

For this "distance", citizens may not "receive goods", but they also lose their confidence to promote the improvement of the government.Lu Dile summarized the government's two major characteristics: First, he is not good at competing, so in the process of self -reaching his saying, it is full of "good rule" and rarely interact with all parties.It is missing, lacks mutual understanding and acceptance.

"Ji Xing" is not completed

The senior media person in the Mainland "Jinghai Hou" also published on the WeChat public account how to evaluate Hong Kong this year and talk about his observations.Regarding the development of Hong Kong in the past year, he first gave a relatively positive evaluation from six aspects: "Political stability, unprecedented; economic problems, objective existence;Gradually accept; the loyalty to the country is being compacted; the connection between the world and strive to consolidate. "After that, he described it again that after the stable development of this year, political, economic, and social affairs were inAnd the social restlessness caused by the disorderly period is also soothing. At present, "the constitutional order is no longer confused, the government's administration is no longer elusive, the social operation is no longer madly unruly, and the citizen's mentality is no longer out of sight."Base.

As for the goal of "from chaos to governance to from the stages of the rule and the new stage", how is Hong Kong's implementation?Jinghai Hou first quoted the past and explained that "from chaos to governance" is a new situation in politics and society, which is stable, orderly, and controllable;The prosperity of prosperity, the prosperity of the society, and the happiness of the people, can perceive the condensation of people and spiritual prosperity, and later, he clearly stated that "Hong Kong is currently away from this goal.", "Zhixing" was not completed.

Jinghai Hou specially reminds that all parties in Hong Kong need to realize that the central government has a unique significance for Hong Kong's requirements: the change of governance methods, overkilling or becoming the time of the past;Capability needs to keep up; the continuation of governance logic, infrastructure cannot be slacked at a moment; therefore, neither the "opposition" or "institutionalist" cannot live in the past, and their logic of thinking and action needs to be changed.Finally, Jinghai Hou said that on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the return of the motherland in Hong Kong, "people can understand these ideas again and have more confidence in Hong Kong."

Next to strengthen the reform of civil servants

"In the past year, we see that this government is indeed a more aggressive attitude compared to the past.EssenceFor example, in terms of anti -epidemic policy, the current government decisively adopted measures that are completely different from the last Lin Zhengyue government, which first open to foreign countries, and then relax or even revoke the inbound isolation measures.The disadvantages of the shore "and" fear of the first ", and this is indispensable to Lu Chongmao, the director of the new medical and health bureau of the Mainland, to understand the new medical and health bureaus of the Mainland;It is controversial, but it also fully reflects the determination of the government's willingness to break through the existing frames with innovative thinking and reduce the number of residents at the fastest speed.

Before the SAR Government's renewal last year, He Jianzong wrote a series of articles on "What to do in the next session" to reform the political loyalty culture of civil servants.One year later, He Jianzong believed that with the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the implementation of the "improvement of the election system", I believe that civil servants will no longer have public violations of political loyalty or attacking the government.There is still any questions whether the citizens can lead the public into the overall situation of the country's development. "He said that Li Jiachao's formulation of KPI for civil servants can be regarded as the beginning of improving the level of governance.Some systems can be improved through measures such as external recruitment and rewards and punishments.

As for comments, it is pointed out that the Li family has worked very hard for the past year to "tell the story of Hong Kong", but from the perspective of the citizen's view, the Hong Kong story he said may have gapped in the reality of Hong Kong felt by the general public.It seems to be in "parallel time and space"; He Jianzong said, the object of "saying a good Hong Kong story" is mainly foreign and the Mainland., Return to vitality.He understands that Hong Kong citizens have different demands and perceptions, such as paying attention to the increase in the number of immigrants, labor shortages, and public security issues.The law should be different."