Source: United News Network

Author: Zhang Jing

The Taiwan Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs communicated through the Cross -Strait Exchange Foundation of Consortium and Cross -Strait to invite former British Prime Minister Liz Truss to visit May this year;During the visit of Tillas, all the expenditures spent on the project and the paying price of the expenditure were received by the negative evaluation after the information was exposed, and it became a topic of media reports and social concerns.

Although the government authorities still have resigned to claim to follow the previous case and have the same evidence in the law, this matter has developed to this end. At first, whether it was intended to use Tellas to inspire the morale of the people, or to build a positive relationship with British politics.I am afraid that they will change the taste and have a serious follow -up impact.

Strictly speaking, in order to safeguard diplomatic interests and establish relationships in the international community, it is definitely known for all parties to attract other countries through various channels.However, the diplomatic approach under this kind of countertop must obviously abide by the laws and regulations of other countries. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider the people's national sentiment and social perception, and also allow the people to accept these political means.

Basically, if you want to ask how to evaluate the asking price of the political price of other countries, there are many factors involved; but in principle, there is always no exchange of interests. I hope to consolidate the friendship between the political figures of a specific country and our political decision -making process.In China, we can attach importance to Taiwan's position to safeguard Taiwan's interests.Even if the situation is stronger than people, when it is completely unable to change the country's decision -making changes, it can be notified first. It can learn about the situation changes in advance and take damage control measures and response plans early.

I must understand that the political figures will change, so in order to make full use of resources, save budgets as much as possible, and create the best diplomatic benefits, usually personnel from foreign units will try to "burn cold stoves", especially for having possessionsDevelopment potential, in the future, the political stars that may rise in other countries in other countries, and will try to recommend high -level invitations to visit as much as possible. I hope that before it is truly, we will construct the interpersonal relationship pipeline first, and try to create a political momentum for it.I hope he will be able to get the gratitude map of the object of being attracted.

Over the past few decades, the foreign department has indeed accurately detained treasures. Through these invitations, they can serve as heads of heads of state in the future.Of course, this method, as long as he thinks about Lu Buwei at the expense of Zhao Ji, deliberately attracted the investment vision and logic of the investment vision and logic; you can understand why the "burning cold stove" method can be understood.After the politicians are frustrated or lost, or before their debut, they first accurately identify their development potential. At this time, deliberately intertwined, how high it may get political returns.

But after some politicians have lost their power in politics, I am afraid that there is no way to make a comeback. At this time, if you still have to enter the market, you may be questioned.But sometimes why should some political retirees be treated, although knowing that it will never come back, but when he takes office, he treats Taiwan positively, so he expresses the high -profile appearance to express his gratitude.Impressing the method to let the master understand that we will inevitably return to those who treat me well.

Therefore, overall, whether it is to pay the previous gold before the target is attracted, or to the other person to treat me, and then take it out to thank him.At the same time, we must also worry about the market conditions. Do not recklessly enter the market. Rough means often break the major events, so let the ins and outs of the dragon exposed, and finally make the two sides extremely embarrassing to collect the field.In the end, it will inevitably be empty.

So in the face of invitations to visit Tellas, we must think about the following elements; how is Terlas usually invited to visit and speaking price codes?Is the remuneration paid in Taiwan outrageous?What is the original political market and development potential of Tras?If it is already dead, there is no need to bet on the bid for anymore.After this incident is exposed, will it become a negative textbook for British politics or the international community, and have a discerning effect on politicians in Taiwan to win other countries?

In fact, the two -in -flowering silver is the most of the foreign politicians. As long as it can produce internal publicity effects, let Taiwanese people continue to be fed politically shaking the ecstasy in order to consolidate their governing status, which is the current national security team of the Green Camp government.However, I must think that in the face of the difficult environment of the international community, no matter who is in the future, we must continue to draw politicians in other countries, so I do n’t choose to kill chickens and eggs. In the end, I am afraid that the entire diplomatic future is buried!

The author is a senior researcher at the Chinese Strategic Society