Source: Taiwan United Daily News

Taiwan #Metoo is prolonged, leader Tsai Ing -wen instructed the reform mechanism, and the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan will carry out the three laws.However, as the last line of defense of guardian justice, the court's attitude and approach to the case of the case of the court of disciplinary court Li Bodao, which not only exposed the backwardness of sexual organs, but also should best show the only judicial judicial judicial judicial judicial judicial justice.The highest administrative agency is that the case is private and does not understand the avoidance of interests; the judicial court is the most absent -oriented government agency in this wave of #Metoo storm.

After the Sexual Sao case of the President of the Court of Punishment broke out, the Court of Justice insisted that the appeal was not received at the first time, but also stated that the investigation would start investigations and never lend. LaterStart the willingness to start the application.However, the contradictory words, whether it is the concept of deficiency of the law, or intentionally cover it for a specific person, makes the grassroots judges unable to listen, and it will cause difficult harm to judicial trust.


Equality Law of Gender Work stipulates that when the employer "knows" sexual harassment, it should take immediately effective correction and remedy.The "knowledge" of these, the Labor Committee has clearly stated that the situation of "knowing", including employers, is not limited to the victim's appeal.The main points of appealing and treatment of sexual harassment measures in the workplace of the judicial court also stipulate that when the supervisor at all levels in this court "knows" a sexual harassment situation, the sexual harassment appraisal will be dealt with.In other words, whether the victim should file a appeal, it does not affect the startup investigation of the case; as long as the judicial court knows, the investigation should be launched.

Even if the Secretary -General of the Court of Justice does not comply with the rules of the judicial court, the parties are not willing to appeal, so that the dean involved in sexuality will retire early.Whenever the judicial treatment is controversial, the court's consistent response is to strengthen the gender education of the judge. However, from this rough treatment method, it shows that there is no asexual awareness in the senior management of the judicial court, and there is no basically the basics that should be in the case.Program concept.

Sexual Sao disputes are not the first time in the judicial world.In 2018, the Court of Public Public Directors' Courts of Public Public Corruptions had a sexual harassment female assistant case of Chen Hongbin, a former judge of the High Administrative Court of Taipei.Tsai Ing -wen later stated on Facebook that the case made her feel deeply that there was a way to go to gender equality from gender in Taiwan, and a stronger adjustment must implement the mainstream of gender in the judicial system.

The court immediately declared "deeply agreed" and emphasized that he would go all out.Soon, the judicial dean Xu Zong's power was all in charge of gender equality classes, and in his speech, the judiciary could not become an accomplice of gender violence. When the victims were courageous, they would stretch out a friendly hand and "make the judicial a victim a victim"Located".He also hopes to build a judicial system that maintains a keen judicial system for gender inequality, and also said that this is always one of the focus of judicial reform.But the sexual show can safely go to the village. Who is the backing of the judiciary?

This case has detonated not only the attitude of dealing with the sexual show case, but also controversy in the court of the court in recent years.After the Secretary -General of the Sexual Sao case forced the Dean of the Court of Disciplinary, he took over the superior and avoided consciousness without interest. He claimed that he had no unconstitutional in the face of the dispute between the judge and was also deserted.

The court of justice used sexuality to ask Li Bodao to leave early, and also submitted Li Bodao to the Presidential Palace at the same time. From the beginning to the end to avoid talking about Li Bodao's sexual show, he only used the "health factors" to cover up the truth.The vagueness of the language belt is to dilute, is it to avoid the responsibility of the former recommended person to the president?What's even more ironic is that when Xu Zongli gave a speech at the handling ceremony of the President of the Court of Court, he was full of affirmation of Li Bodao's performance, and now it is even more ridiculous.

Sexual Sao cases of the President of the Court of Court are not only sexual shows, but also let all circles see the current form of judicial officers in all sectors. Such a judicial court, discussing judicial reform is a luxurious talk, "making judges a backer of victims",It is even more else.Who should this responsibility be counted?