Source: Red Net

Recently, the news of "Graduate School of the People's Congress leaked the personal information of the school" has sparked discussion and anger from netizens.According to reports, on July 1, a master of graduates of a master's degree in Renmin University of China (hereinafter referred to as the "People's Congress") stole personal information such as students from the school during the school, and made a different category into a "face value ranking".Renmin University of China responded at 6 pm on the 2nd that the school had paid attention to the situation where some students' information was obtained illegally. They attached great importance to this and were contacted by the police as soon as possible. At present, they are actively cooperating with the police and other relevant departments to conduct investigations.

In this regard, many netizens are very shocked. A high -profile student of a famous university actually uses his technical knowledge to "do evil", making the information of tens of thousands of students be arbitrarily abused.Torture the significance and goals of college education.There are two problems here, one is the dialectical relationship between education and ability, and the other is the dialectical relationship between education and goodness.Regarding the first dialectical relationship, I do n’t need to explain in detail here. What the high school student does has proved his technical ability.Yes, in the current society, education is indeed an important way to improve personal ability, so we still have to be in awe of education, and we cannot cater to the so -called "reading useless theory".

At the same time, when we turn the problem to the second one, there is no doubt that in this news, the graduate student of the famous school obviously has not achieved our current educational goal: the virtue of the ethics.In the report of the 20th National Congress of the mainland government, there is such a loud discussion on education: "Who trains, how to cultivate people, and who cultivates people is the fundamental issue of education.The word and weight are heavier than anything, which also reminds me of the classic conclusion of Socrates: virtue is knowledge.

If we understand Socrate's "virtue is knowledge" literally, then the meaning of this sentence seems to be that as long as a person has enough knowledge, then this person will get a noble morality.Therefore, in the real society, we often admire and expect students who graduate from prestigious schools.Usually in our opinion, through the good humanistic environment of prestigious schools and the knowledge of first -class masters, such students are of course a gentleman with both virtue and talents.Essence

However, with the rapid development of Internet technology and new media, information is becoming more and more open and transparent, and the vigorous development of the journalism has made us discover the diversification of the world.At the same time, under the "post -truth era" of emotions, good and evil become more and more difficult to judge.As a result, we will suddenly discover that the fixed awareness of some things in the past is actually not in line with reality. At this time, we will feel extremely angry about the news that the news does not meet the psychological expectations of the public.Just like the news of "the graduate student of the National People's Congress leaked the personal information of the school", our imagination of the prestigious school instantly turned into a bubble.If we receive first -class education, we still cannot get good character and humble grace, then what channels can we go to a "good" life through?

In fact, if you read the complete works of Plato, you will find that Socrate's original intention is not as superficial as we imagine.When Socrates completed an important assertion of "virtue is knowledge", he was based on the starting point of "no intention to do evil". The reason why a person was evil was because he did not understand the knowledge of "good".Therefore, Socrates attaches great importance to the role of education, trying to improve people's cultivation and character through education.He also said: There are only things in the world that are treasures, that is, knowledge; only one thing in the world is sin, that is, ignorance.

In this way, we may wish to reflect on the news of "Graduate School of the People's Congress leak the personal information of the school". If Socrates' judgment is correct, then this high -quality school with professional skills with first -class education and professional skills.Why is it "evil"?

When we keep our thinking consistent with Socrates, we will find that this high student is obviously "no".Because of Socrate's view, "knowledge" is "good" itself, although the high school student is proficient in the use of technology, he does not understand what technology itself is serving.At present, we already have a major in colleges and universities: scientific and technological ethics.

In the general spoken language of the world, it seems that usefulness is knowledge, and it is not knowledge if it is useless.So if a parent chooses a major for his child, in engineering technology and scientific and technological ethics, he will probably do not hesitate to choose engineering and technical majors for the child.This is imperative. If the child's study through engineering and technical discipline can better improve family income and obtain better quality of life, isn't it a kind of "good"?

Yes, it is undeniable that good income is indeed an indispensable material foundation for a better life.But when we witnessed the misuse of technology, can we still question the "usefulness" of professionalism such as "science and technology ethics" at will?It turns out that this is also an indispensable knowledge that we get a good life.

This shows that true "goodness" is always awe of knowledge and respect for knowledge.Just like Socrates, when the Temple of Delphi said that Socrates was the most intelligent person in Athens, Socrates sought the answer, and finally found that it was because he realized that he was "ignorance".It takes a lot of knowledge to learn in order to better live a "good" life.