On June 27th, the Nicaragua Foreign Minister Moncada submitted a letter signed by President Daniel Ortega to the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres.The letter requires the United States to repay more than $ 12 billion in "historical debt" to make up for the losses caused by the United States in the 1980s to provide funds for the Nicaragua civil war.

On July 20, 1979, the "Sang Ding National Liberation Front" (FSLN) left guerrillas led by Ortega successfully overthrew the ANASTASIO SOMOZA regime, and as the chairman of the "National Reconstruction of the Governor"Leaders of the national leader.Based on old hatred and new hatred, Ortega should be the leader of Latin American countries with the most qualified to wake up the Cold War ghost.

Old Hate: Iran -Radio of the Army

Reagan, who has a firm position in the anti -Communist Party in January 1981, became the president of the United States. In addition to the resistance of the anti -Sangle government guerrillas in the United States, the U.S. forces also in the early 1984 port of Coringo, Corinto, etc.Destroyed the country's oil facilities and naval bases, infringing the sovereignty of the country, and military and quasi -military operations such as organizing and funding anti -government groups in the country.On April 9, 1984, Nicaragua charged the International Tribunal that the United States' military operations in its territory violated international law. On November 4 of the same year, Ortega received more than 60%of voters in the election and took office on January 10 the following year.president.

On June 27, 1986, the International Court ended the trial of the substantive issue of the case and made a judgment that conducive to Nicaragua. This is also the first time that the international court has conducted absent trials on a large country.The judgment requires the United States to stop the sovereignty of Nicaragua and compensate Nicaragua $ 1 billion.In November 1986, the Oliver North colonel led by the American Marine Corps Oliver North to secretly sell weapons to Iran, and will make a profit of the "Iran-Contra Affairs" scandal of the Nicaragua resistance.

Nosus has served as the host of the War Stories program (War Stories) show many years ago.In May 2018, he was appointed as the chairman of the National Rifle Association (NRA), but on April 27, 2019, he stated that he had dutied the NRA leadership involving financial improper behavior.

New hatred: long arm jurisdiction

In addition to the above -mentioned old hate, the long -arm jurisdiction of the United States has created new hatred.

On April 17, 2019, the Trump administration announced sanctions on Nicaragua, based on the National Emergency Economic Rights Law (IEEPA) and Anti -Overseas Corruption (FCPA) signed in December 1977 to remove frozen Bancorp Bank, Laureano Ortega, the son of the president of Ortega, and all the US citizens owned by the US citizens to the United States as their assets owned by Rosario Murillo (Wife Ortega).Business exchanges.

The US Ministry of Finance stated: "These actions sent a message to everyone who continues to support the Aorta regime: that is, the damage to the Nicaragua economy and its people have to pay a heavy price." The Nicaragua government tried to buy it in March of that yearBancorp banks were protected by the United States for sanctions imposed by the United States in January to its parent company Albanisa.Albanasa is a joint venture between Venezuela State -owned Petroleum Corporation and Nicaragua Petroleum Corporation.The other four officials who were sanctioned by the United States and Canada on June 21 of the same year were Nicaragua Telecom and Post Office Director Castyjo, Minister of Health Castro, Mo Xika, Minister of Communications, and a country regarded as the right hand of Alta.President Boras.

Diploma of Diplomacy

After Taiwan and Nicaragua's diplomacy complained on July 19, 1979, after the Sang Dingqi Front entered the Nicaragua capital, due to the US funding to Nagaragua resistance through Taiwan, Ortega broke his diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 1985.Former Foreign Minister Qian Fu in Taiwan called the incident as an embarrassing case in his tenure as a representative of the United States.

According to the entire archives of Lieutenant Colonel for Lieutenant Colonel for the Investigation Committee of the two houses of the United States Congress, in all the money exchanges of the "Lake Resources Company", including two donations from Taiwan's donation check, the first is 1985 9thOn the 20th, the second one was February 19 the following year. Each one was $ 1 million, which was the remittance check of Hannuo Huaxin 讬, New York.For example, when the Teni parties were disconnected on December 9, 1985, the Ortcom government had considerable intelligence capabilities at that time.On April 25, 1990, after serving as president of Violeta Chamorro, he resumed diplomatic relations with Taiwan on November 5.

Although Ortega has been president for three consecutive times on January 10, 2007, it has not been broken with Taiwan again until December 9, 2021.What made the DPP government was dull, the last ambassador of Taiwan, Wu Jinmu, not only did not return to Taiwan to report, but also obtained the nationality of Nicaragua the next day.

Orta, who has accumulated many years of experience with Taiwan's experience in Taiwan, has been in charge of Taiwan ’s diplomatic situation. He recently said that since most Chinese and American countries have chosen to interfere with Taiwan, Taiwan should be excluded from the Chinese and American integrated system. At the same timeInvite mainland China to join.Although this remark was to Beijing, the next presidential candidate in Taiwan may have to expect to be responding.

The author is the School of Politics and Strategy of Chile

Research professor