The number of local suicide deaths hit a record high since last year, reaching 476, an increase of 25.9%over the previous year. Among them, young people aged 10 to 29 are particularly noteworthy.The latest statistics released by Singapore's aid institutions are vigilant. Suicide has become the main cause of death for the fourth consecutive year of young people at this age, and it is also about one -third of the death toll of this age.In addition, in the age of 70 to 79, suicide has increased significantly by 60%compared with the previous year, and it is also worthy of social attention.

Data show that in the past three years, the number of young people from the age of 20 to 29 showed a considerable increase in increase.The pressure is related.

Juvenile is the future owner. The spiritual pressure of adolescents is related to whether the new generation can grow up healthy and the social problems that may occur in the future.

For adolescents, the source of mental stress is mainly family, interpersonal relationships, schoolwork, social expectations, etc. It must be observed overall and targeted. Schools where children stay for a long time may be a relatively good entry.Local schools are equipped with counselors. It is understood that the general assignment is that the class teacher or teacher noticed that when the students may have abnormalities, they will communicate with the parents and suggest that the school counselor involved. After the counselor and the teacher evaluateThe co -instructor of the ministry jointly evaluated that if professional assistance is required, they will be referred to the School of Psychological Health with the consent of the parents to receive diagnosis and treatment.Some parents are worried that their children will be labeled without accepting, becoming an obstacle for their children to be diagnosed.

During the epidemic in the past three years, many school activities and communication have turned to virtual. Some children have also been obsessed with the Internet at home. Interpersonal communication has fallen into faults, which has led some teenagers to retreat from interpersonal communication.These may also increase children's social and psychological pressure.In the past, there were many children in large families and lack of resources. They could establish toughness very early. Now that young childcare families have been protected better, they may be more likely to be defeated in the face of setbacks and stress.

The diagnosis of psychological or mental issues, if the public medical system is referred to the procedure, some people may not be able to wrap it in privacy;Small burden.These reasons have led to many people's premature diagnosis; especially for children who can't tell themselves well, parents' perceptions are not enough, and they are more likely to miss the opportunity to repair and heal.

In the face of psychological and mental problems, Oriental parents will still take into account face, or worry about leaving medical records, affecting future career development or purchase insurance. These are all factors that hinder people's active help for themselves or for their children.EssenceIn addition, adults and elderly people may also accumulate psychological harm that can accumulate huge and unspeakable psychological damage in the face of health, career or interpersonal relationships and family problems;The mortality rate is much higher than women.At this time, if you are still trapped in the wall and other walls of face to form a sense of loneliness and helplessness, the problem will become bigger and bigger.

Suicide and melancholy are a global phenomenon. Many countries are facing a trend of deterioration. From the perspective of statistical data, countries with high suicide mortality rates have wealth and poverty.EssenceAlthough from the perspective of the suicide mortality per 100,000 people, local society is probably in the "reasonable" scope of the World Health Organization statistics, but international academic research pointed out that behind each case of suicide death, more attempted suicide attempted suicide attempts to attempted suicideOr the case of attempt to commit suicide also lurks more and more turbulent psychological vortexes, waiting for the flat stroke.

Activating institutions suggest that people actively ask for help, which is indeed a critical step.Our society should advocate the culture of help and mutual assistance, give full understanding of the psychotherapy, and have more understanding of psychological and mental problems.In terms of policy, you can consider providing more support for the cost of psychological and mental problems, and to eliminate concerns in the medical records; the elimination of hidden dangers of each psychological problem is equivalent to adding a little positive energy to the society; in addition, the state should invest in resources.Including research projects that organize cross -institutions and multi -disciplinary collaborations, in -depth understanding and studying the different main roots of psychological problems to generate psychological problems in each age layer, in order to treat the right medicine or start preventive measures.In terms of family, parents should face the psychological difficulties that their children may have, and they should put aside their face problems and take the initiative to ask for help to help young people get rid of their dilemma and regain their healthy life.