A master's degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong is accused of large -scale use of fire chemicals in Guangzhou.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily and Surging News reported that the Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau personnel responded on Wednesday (April 24) that the position was compiled and the recruitment process was legal and compliant.

The staff of the recruitment website of the funeral industry also revealed that the remaining cremation of the remains is not many, but there are many people who vote for resumes, and the salary level is not as high as online. "Some minorities can reach 1 monthly income 110,000 yuan (RMB, about S $ 1916) ".

The Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau's website released by the Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau on April 22 The first public recruitment staff of the Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau was publicly recruited for publicity (the first batch) to attract public opinion.

Three graduates from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, South China University of Technology, and Guangdong University of Technology appeared in the list. Their proposed positions were the remains of the funeral service center of the Guangzhou Funeral Service Center.

Among them, Liu, who graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, has a graduate degree, specializes in philosophy (Buddhism research).Professional engineering.

Public information shows that the Guangzhou Funeral Service Center was founded in 1960. It is located in Yanling Road, Tianhe District, the bustling area of ​​Guangzhou.Passion, anticorrosive, funeral, cremation, ash resettlement and sacrifice work.The center has more than 30,000 remains in the center, which is the largest comprehensive funeral service agency in China and the world.