The Hong Kong International Seven -Man Rugby Game Sunday (April 7) ended, and the three -day event attracted 100,000 people to watch the battle.The Hong Kong police intercepted illegal behaviors such as 50 Discians in the West Kowloon District for three days, and five of the drivers who did not display their documents received a subpoena.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily Ming Daily and other reports, the executive and control team of the Transportation Department of the West Kowloon Region During the Hong Kong International Seven Rugby Championships, it will strike in the area for three consecutive days (5 to 7) in the area.Delta charges of illegal acts such as car charges, refusal, and not displaying toll indicators during the driving period.

During the operation, the Hong Kong police set up multiple roadblocks in Tsim Sha Tsui area, intercepted 50 passengers, and understood whether the Delta asked for additional vehicles from passengers.If the Delta is initially discovered that there is illegal acts, it will write down the relevant Delta driver and passenger information for further investigation and prosecution.

The police said that the official attaches importance to the case of charging car capital and reminds citizens to be serious illegal.According to the Hong Kong law, once the charges of car collection, the maximum punishment can be sentenced to six months in prison and a fine of HK $ 10,000 (about S $ 1723).

In addition, the police issued a traffic voucher notice to the five Dels drivers who were suspected of showing the Destri driver's certificate on the proof of the document.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao, Director of Finance Chen Maobo, and director of the Cultural and Sports and Tourism Bureau Yang Runxiong wrote on Facebook on Sunday to talk about the situation of the seven -person rugby game.

Li Jiachao said that the lively atmosphere of the Hong Kong Stadium extended to the nearby area. Some media reported that nearby restaurants bar business volume increased by 40 % to 50 % due to the popularity of the ball.It seems that the international event of the Hong Kong International Seven Rugby Games not only attracts a large number of fans from all over the world to Hong Kong, but also helps Hong Kong tourism, hotels, catering, retail and other industries, but also bring actual economic benefits to Hong Kong.Show the world of vitality to the world and consolidate the reputation of the capital of event.

Chen Maobo said that the three -day Hong Kong international seven -person rugby match was successfully held, attracting a total of about 100,000 people to enter the venue.EssenceYang Runxiong said that 40,000 Qiliang tickets have been sold out before the game, and the sales volume of tourists visiting Hong Kong accounted for more than 40 % of the total sales.The events are even more prosperous around the restaurants and bars. Tourism, hotels, retail and other industries also benefit from all industries, turning "popularity" into "wealth".