The Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the draft national security regulations (hereinafter referred to as the draft regulations), which was adopted in March of the Hong Kong Legislative Council in March. Among them, law enforcement power such as arrest and search of customs personnel was arrested and searched.Hong Kong Customs Customs Guan He Yishan responded to this that it will revise internal guidelines and strengthen training in accordance with the draft regulations, so that frontline personnel will better respond to national security risks.

Comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01" and Sing Tao Daily, He Yishan said on Saturday (April 6) on a TV station program that the regulations of Hong Kong Customs personnel should be revised accordingly after the draft regulations take effect.Make frontline personnel more effectively prevent and prevent items that endanger national security into Hong Kong.

He Yishan said that the customs will update the internal guidance to allow frontline personnel to better grasp the revised regulations and strengthen training at the same time to allow frontline personnel to better understand the requirements of new laws to maintain national security work.

When asked whether the immigration of the Apple Daily's old newspapers, military books, etc. will be illegal, He Yishan said that there is no special import and export restriction in Hong Kong in general books and books.Customs officers also reasonably suspect that the publications have incitement diagrams. Only when passengers do not reasonably justify, they will notify the law enforcement unit.