Zhu Minjian, chairman of the Hong Kong Equal Opportunity Committee, said that many cases of discrimination against the people of Mainland China during the anti -repair campaign in 2019, but after the crown disease epidemic, the social atmosphere has changed significantly, and the people of the mainland were discriminated against.There are very few complaints, and the popularity of legislation is not as good as before.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Radio Hong Kong reported that Zhu Minjian's term will be expired next week. He held a press conference on Friday (April 5) to review his work within his office.

He said that there are seven main work results in his tenure: the internal structure of the reorganization of the reorganization, the reform has made positive progress, the complaints handled beyond the service commitment, and the Hong Kong government accepted the Ping of the Acting Commissioner's Office;Anti -discrimination proposal proposed by the opportunity to ensure that the citizens are free of sexual harassment and the power to breastfeed in the workshop.

But Zhu Minjian said that he still has an unfinished work in his tenure, that is, it is recommended that the Hong Kong government be legislated to respond to anti -sexual harassment and in -ethnic discrimination.

He said that from 2019 to 2020, many cases of discrimination against mainland Chinese people in Hong Kong, after the crown disease epidemic, the social atmosphere has changed significantly, and the opportunity to receive a complaint from the mainlanders was discriminated against.There are very few cases, only two -digit number, most of them are just query.

Zhu Minjian said that he also heard the opinions of members of the Legislative Council and social leaders believed that there is no such thing as legislation and can handle discrimination with education and publicity. ThereforeThis task is not a pity.

The Hong Kong Government announced earlier that Lin Meixiu, an international legal commissioner, was the chairman of the new opportunity.Zhu Minjian said that the two have interspersed at work and recognize her ability. She hopes that she will continue to recommend that the Hong Kong government study "anti -sexual harassment" in the additional space under the current laws.