The Hong Kong media position news case, which has supported the anti -repair campaign, will be ruling on April 29.

Comprehensive Hong Kong media reports such as the Star Daily Daily, the parent company, the former editor -in -chief Zhong Peiquan, and the then editor -in -chief Lin Shaotong were charged with the crime of publishing inciting publications.The case was first tried in December 2021 and the trial was held in October 2022. The 56 -day interrogation was completed in June last year. The original decision was scheduled in October of the same year.The aftermath was ruling until November 15 of the same year.

However, the webpage of the Hong Kong judicial institution showed that the position of the position news on November 15 last year was changed to the defense to supplement the words.In November last year in November, the second part of the prosecution and defense supplemented the case of inciting crimes in the UK. At that time, the judge believed that the case was involved in the same controversy as the Tan Dezhi case.ruling.

The Court of Appeal of the Hong Kong High Court issued a verdict on March 7 this year, rejected Tan Dezhi to appeal.The webpage of Hong Kong Judicial Agency shows that the current news case is currently rolling on April 29.Zhong Peiquan and Lin Shaotong were released on bail.

The parent company, Zhong Peiquan, and Lin Shaotong were charged from July 7, 2020 to December 29, 2021. In Hong Kong, other people published or copied the incitement publication.Or the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and other intentions involved 17 articles.

The position news is the news website of Hong Kong's pro -democratic school. Founded in December 2014.During the anti -repair of 2019, the position news followed the dynamic dynamics, and in the report, it highlighted the sympathy of the opponents, attracting many audiences who supported the people.The Hong Kong Police National Security Department arrested six senior or former senior personnel in December 2021. The position news then announced that it would stop operation and dismiss all employees.