After the Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the draft of the National Security Regulations, which was adopted by the Hong Kong Legislative Council 23 Legislative Cases, Deng Bingqiang, director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, said that Hong Kong will integrate the legislative explanation work into the national security promotion work, including training community mentors in the training community instructor.The community assists in promoting the national security education activities.

According to the Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency on Saturday (April 6), Deng Bingqiang said in an interview a few days ago that in the early days after the legislation, he had done a lot of promotion and explanation with the director of the Department of Justice, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio station, including the radio, including the radio,, TV station and chamber of commerce explained.Next, the rules will be explained into the promotion of overall national security.

Deng Bingqiang introduced that there are several directions for the promotion work.In addition, on the National Day and Return Day, there will be special theme national security promotion activities. At the same time, large -scale and regular activities will be set up, such as the national security common sense question and answer competition in Hong Kong.

The policy report proposes that this year will set up a national security exhibition hall in the Hong Kong History Museum, and train regional mentors to promote national security education in various communities.Deng Bingqiang pointed out that he hoped that about 2,600 community mentors were trained by 2025 to assist in promoting national security education activities in the community.He expects that each mentor can train 30 people, and more than 70,000 people will have the opportunity to come into contact with national security awareness at that time, which is the focus of the next job.

Earlier, Cai Ruolian, director of the Hong Kong Education Bureau, said in an interview with the Hong Kong Wenwen Report that the Education Bureau will update the school's corresponding teaching content and guidelines in response to the requirements of the national security regulations.She said that schools can allow students to learn national security knowledge, establish national concepts, and understand the importance of national security through diversified activities. In the future, they will also strengthen professional training for teachers and create more opportunities for students to communicate in mainland China.