Hong Kong's maintenance of national security regulations (commonly known as Article 23 legislative regulations) officially took effect on March 23, triggering violently commented on countries such as the United States and Britain.The U.S. State Department announced last Friday (March 29) that Hong Kong officials are responsible for Hong Kong officials who are responsible for Hong Kong's rights and freedom. .After the news came out, Hong Kong democratic supporters on the Internet applauded.

But carefully compares, it can be seen that the strength of the US sanctions Hong Kong officials has weakened a lot than before.I still remember that in 2020, Washington announced the sanctions of 11 mainland China and Hong Kong officials, and seven of them were officials in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.Under the ban on a paper sanctions, all their assets in the United States were frozen; others and institutions, especially financial institutions, were also banned from having business with these people.

The first brunt of the sanctions list was the then Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e.She later complained when she was interviewed by TV that because the US sanctions made her unable to own a bank account and had to save wages in the form of cash, she had "cash piles" at home.Hong Kong officials who were sanctioned this time could not go to the United States, and the impact was not great.

Moreover, the U.S. government has not disclosed which Hong Kong officials have become the goal of visa restrictions, nor did they mention the number of sanctions.Ye Liu Shuyi, the convener of the Hong Kong Executive Council, analyzed the intention of intimidation in the United States. However, from another perspective, it shows that Washington consciously retains one hand and leaves a down step for the quiet recovery of sanctions in the future.

After the anti -repair examples broke out in Hong Kong in 2019, the relationship between the Hong Kong government and the US government suddenly tense.According to a report released by the U.S. State Department last week, since its implementation in the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020, in addition to terminating Hong Kong's special status and treating it as in mainland China, according to the Hong Kong Autonomous Law of the United States, 39 people in Mainland China and Hong Kong people are also implementedSanctions.

From a macro perspective, the U.S. government plans to sanction Hong Kong this time, but relatively reduced sanctions, it is most likely because Chinese officials and US President Biden just met a few months ago, which relieved the two countries.relation.Washington has no intention of stimulating Beijing again on the issue of Hong Kong.

In addition, after many years of sanctions in the United States, it also understands that sanctions have little effect on the substantial effect of Hong Kong.Earlier, the Hong Kong Government conducted public consultation on 23 legislation. Some reporters asked Deng Bingqiang, the secretary of the Hong Kong government security guards who had been sanctioned early in the morning. If the U.S. sanctions would think again, Deng Bingqiang pointed out that he was a "person's office" who was sanctioned by foreign countries.Long -term sanctions are still "wearing no rot", and the implication is that it has adapted to the life of sanctions.

In the final analysis, whether the sanctions can play a role, to a large extent, whether the party who imposed sanctions has a stronger strength than the sanctions.The United States has long sanctions on foreign countries such as North Korea and Cuba, and these small countries can continue to survive.Hong Kong has China support, and the relevant sanctions of the United States have failed to succeed.No wonder the Hong Kong government responded to US sanctions last week, saying "scoffing nose and fear of any intimidation."

Of course, in the past four years, hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong people have immigrated to Europe and the United States. Some people have frequently interacted with local political circles. From time to time, they have called on different channels to call on Washington to continue to pay attention to Hong Kong issues.Although the Biden government could not answer all, it still responded to some demands of overseas Hong Kong people in real political considerations, so the above compromised measures were taken.

But in the past few years, the United States has sanctioned Hong Kong in the past few years, and there has also been a considerable paradox.On this side, the Hong Kong National Security Law and 23 legislation promoted by the Hong Kong Government have similar laws in many countries in the world. However, the United States only accused the Hong Kong government's policies that harmed the freedom of Hong Kong people's expression and assembly.On the other side, in the past six months of the Baza conflict, even though Israel was inhumanly injured and the innocent people were injured, the United States still firmly supported Israel.Objectively speaking, the dual standards of the United States have weakened its credibility.

Take a step back, Macau, which is only across the sea from Hong Kong, has also launched a national security law more than 10 years ago, and some details are even more stringent than Hong Kong.However, the U.S. government has not sanctioned Macau officials. It is only specifically targeted at Hong Kong, which has more confirmed that the United States has waved sanction in Hong Kong. The most fundamental purpose is to treat Hong Kong as a chess piece to block China.

Based on this, the US election is coming. In order to consider votes, the Bayeng government will not be ruled out that some measures for Hong Kong will be launched during the remaining term.In November last year, the US Congress members submitted a draft of the Hong Kong Sanctions Act and named 49 Hong Kong officials and judges who asked for sanctions to "infringe on human rights."Whether this proposal will be implemented in the end, it is not yet known, but many people believe that Washington is likely to cancel the privilege of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in the three economic and trade offices in the United States.

In fact, Hong Kong has been regarded as China's tonsils for many years.When there is a small problem in Hong Kong, there will be inflammation of the tonsils.Therefore, European and American countries have been trying to influence Mainland China through Hong Kong for many years.Since the anti -repair campaign in 2019 has ringed Hong Kong's national security alert, Beijing has also continued to strengthen prevention work in recent years to perform tonsillment surgery in Hong Kong.With the increasingly fierce Sino -US game, the future road of Hong Kong is not easy.