The Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Zhang Jun is about to leave, and it is reported that Fu Cong, the head of the Chinese EU, will be replaced.

According to the news of the Chinese permanent delegation in the United Nations on Thursday (March 28), Zhang Jun has recently been to the Secretary -General of the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres, the 78th UN General Assembly Francis and other UN senior officials and countries.The resident representative resigned.

Zhang Jun said that it is a great honor and heavy responsibility to represent the United Nations on behalf of China.In the years of working in the United Nations, he increasingly felt that the world was seeing a different China. China deserves the trust of the world.

He said that the international situation becomes uncomfortable, and the world needs the correct direction to guide more than ever before, and it also needs to adhere to the fairness and justice., And also need a stronger and stronger United Nations.China firmly implements true multilateralism and firmly supports the United Nations to play an important role in maintaining peace and promoting development.

Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Pakistan, Brazil, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Indonesia, Italy and other resident representatives and Zhang Jun said goodbye.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily report, Zhang Jun will take over this position after Zhang Jun leaves office.

According to the WeChat public account "Chinese EU" news, Fu Cong, who has served as the head of the Chinese EU and the Ambassador to the EU, has been resigned on Monday (March 25) for more than a year (March 25)Senior representative of diplomatic and security policies and vice chairman of the European Commission Berrely.

The 58 -year -old Fu Cong has been the resident representative of the China Permanently in Geneva and other Swiss international organizations in the United Nations, the ambassador of the Ambassador of the Labor Affairs of the Ladels, and the Director of the Military Control Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Sing Tao Daily reported that Fu Cong and Zhang Jun belonged to the deputy ministerial level, but the former will shoulder a stronger mission.

The report also said that after Zhang Jun returned to China, he will serve as the Secretary -General of the Boao Forum for Asia; the Boao Forum 2024 Annual Meeting on March 26th in Boao, Hainan, the Boao Forum will be held in Boao.The new leadership will be re -elected.