The Hong Kong Security Bureau wrote a letter to the British Guardian to criticize the report of the report on Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency and Sing Tao Daily reported that Liao Li, Deputy Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, went to the British Guardian on Friday (March 29), and strongly opposed and condemned the report "Hong Kong officials warn that the online criticism may violate the New National Security Law "(Hong Kong Office Warns Online Criticism Could Breach New National Security Law, criticizing the relevant reports is extremely misleading, and strongly urged the newspaper to ensure that the report is fair and fair to stop publishing the threshold. HighlightsEssence

Liao Liji said in the letter that the criminal behavior specified in the maintenance of the national security regulations (hereinafter referred to as the regulations), commonly known as Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law.The element of criminal composition is stated, and those who abide by the law will not violate the law unknowingly and mistakenly fall into the law.

Liao Liji said that the regulations do not prevent anyone from expressing their opinions, including rational and sincere criticisms based on objective facts.

She said that the Director of the Department of Justice had clearly explained during an earlier interview with other media.question.

Liao Likesian believes that the title of the Guardian seriously distorted the remarks of the Director of the Department of Justice and mislead readers.She reiterated that the actions of law enforcement agencies are based on evidence and law according to law, and are not people who express their sincere criticism to the Hong Kong government.