Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, said that the boom of consumption in the north of the Hong Kong people has weakened the confidence of the local retail and catering industry in Hong Kong.

The comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01" and the Radio of Hong Kong reported that Chen Maobo wrote on Sunday (March 31) that the overall economic economy in Hong Kong maintained a steady growth in the first quarter of this year, and the unemployment rate was lower than 3%The inflation is roughly mild, and the number of tourists visiting Hong Kong exceeds 11 million. The macro situation brings certain support for the retail, catering and transportation industry.

But he pointed out that the influence of the industry in the face of the consumption model of visiting Hong Kong and the consumption of some Hong Kong people in north, etc., has weakened confidence in the prospects.

Chen Maobo said that Hong Kong's economic growth is yet to be reinforced, the changes in consumption models and market changes have caused some local SMEs to face challenges.

He said that the bank's tolerant enterprise capital turnover has been instructed to avoid unnecessary pressure on the capital chain of small and medium -sized enterprises when the market has fluctuated short -term fluctuations, and even trigger a chain response.

Chen Maobo also said that Hong Kong has good advantages to attract passengers. I believe that financial and cultural events can create a positive environment and atmosphere for different industries.