After the listing (IPO), Alibaba announced that the rookie planned to withdraw from the IPO of Hong Kong.

Comprehensive Securities Times Network and Surging News reported, Alibaba Group issued an announcement on Tuesday (March 26) that it decided to withdraw the logistics subsidiary Cainiao Smart Logistics Network Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Cainiao") in Hong KongThe application for listing submitted by the exporter and the shares of the shares of the rookie minority shareholders and the equity of the employees who have owned the employees.The acquisition involved US $ 3.75 billion (S $ 5.047 billion).

The announcement pointed out that after the offer is completed, the Alibaba Group plans to adjust some of the rookie's business to better realize the strategic synergy with the Tao Tian Group and the Ali International Digital Commercial Group, and support the rookieLong -term strategic expansion.

Public information shows that Cainiao was established in 2013 and is currently one of the world's largest cross -border e -commerce logistics companies. The annual processing of cross -border e -commerce packages exceeds 1.5 billion pieces.Cainiao submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on the evening of September 26 last year, becoming Alibaba Group's first business group to launch an IPO after "1+6+N".

Regarding the change of listing plans, Cai Chongxin, chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Group, emphasized at the conference call on Tuesday that regulatory supervision has not played any role in the group decision to withdraw the Cainiao IPO application."" ".

Cai Chongxin said that there are two considerations to withdraw the Cainiao IPO. One is that in the past few months, the group has evaluated China and international e -commerce business.In integration, "the first goal of the group is to win in the field of e -commerce, and it is necessary to restore market share to promote business growth."

He continued, the second is to consider the strategic role and future planning of Cainiao in the group, as well as the current challenging IPO market environment.It is in line with the group's development strategy, and any valuation that IPO can implement cannot reflect the true strategic value of the rookie we currently think. "

In March of last year, Alibaba Group announced the launch of the "1+6+N" organizational change, reorganizing Alibaba Cloud Smart, Taobao Tmall Commercial, Local Life, Cainiao, International Digital Commercial, Dawen Entertainmentgroup.Subsequently, Alibaba Cloud's business spin -off, Hema planning IPO, and rookie went public to go public in Hong Kong.

But after that, Ali has suspended cloud business spin -off and Hema IPO has also announced a suspension.