Hong Kong's water costs have not been adjusted for nearly 30 years. The government is reviewing water fees, and results as soon as one to two months.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, for whether the price of water costs will be increased in the future, Qiu Guoding, Director of the Water Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, said on Sunday (January 21) that he will take into account the operating accounts of the Water Agency and the economic status of Hong Kong's economic conditions., Citizenship and other factors.In addition, Chen Maobo, the director of the Financial Secretary, is also an important principle that the "use of the user".

Hong Kong's water fee has not been adjusted since 1995.

The seawaterization plant in Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong, has started water supply on December 22 last year. The annual water supply is 50 million cubic meters, accounting for about 5%of the total water consumption of about 1 billion cubic meters of Hong Kong throughout the year.The second -stage expansion project of the diming plant is in the design.After Qiu Guoding is expected to be completed, the water supply can be increased to 10%of the total annual water consumption.

He further supplemented that Dongjiang water is still the most important source of water, accounting for 70 % to 80 % of the total amount of fresh water in Hong Kong, but in order to cope with extremely harsh situations, new water sources that are not affected by climate change are needed to enhance water supply.Stocking, including seawater dilute, recycling water, and reusing medium water.

Qiu Guoding also mentioned that the number of ancestors of the water pipe burst in Hong Kong has been sharply reduced from 2,500 in 2000 to 34 in 2023, and the leakage rate of water pipes has dropped from 25%to 14%at the same time.It dropped to about 10%in 2030.In addition, the draft regulations of the water affairs facilities (revised) in 2023 will strive to complete the legislation in the first quarter of 2024, so that the department has the right to search for evidence to more effectively crack down on the cost of mortar owners.