In recent years, talents have appeared in Hong Kong. The official launched a high -end talent pass plan (referred to as Gaocai Tong) at the end of 2022, and it is intentionally snatched by talents in various places. It is just one anniversary.However, whether this plan can successfully attract talents to stay in Hong Kong for a long time and improve the competitiveness of Hong Kong, there are divergent opinions from all walks of life.

The "post -90s" Tang Yiling is from Hunan. He graduated from Zhejiang University in China in China. He is currently engaged in fintech work in Shenzhen. He is mainly responsible for artificial intelligence (AI) product planning and marketization.

In March last year, after Tang Yiling learned from his friends that Hong Kong launched a new talent immigration plan, he immediately filled out the form.Three months later, her application was approved by the Hong Kong Government, and she obtained the Hong Kong ID card in September and officially became a Hong Kong resident.

Tang Yiling (second from left) has become Hong Kong people, but still works in Shenzhen.(Provided by the respondent)

Tang Yiling said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that she had studied in Canada and liked an atmosphere of internationalization.Hong Kong as the international metropolis of Chinese and Western cultural interies is in line with her life requirements."I used to go to Hong Kong to watch culture and art or exhibition activities from time to time, so after knowing this talent plan, I applied without much consideration."

Huang Wangyu is about the same situation as Tang Yi.Huang Wangyu was 33 years old. After graduating from undergraduate undergraduate in Guangzhou University, he studied at Australia and worked for six or seven years. He was sent to work in the Hong Kong office and served as a data engineer.In January last year, he learned that Hong Kong submitted an application form after launching a new talent immigration plan and was approved within a day.

Huang Wangyu also actively participated in community volunteer activities in addition to work, such as cleaning garbage at the beach and visiting the elderly living alone.(Photo by Dai Qingcheng)

Huang Wangyu is a native of Meizhou, Guangdong. He has grown up in Hong Kong drama since he was a child and has deep feelings for Hong Kong.But for him, the application as a Hong Kong person, in addition to the recognition of Hong Kong culture, also has some other practical benefits, including Hong Kong's life and work rhythm full of vitality, tax rate and lower than Australia, and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passport can be exempt from signing to go to the exemption of visa to go to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passport.Many countries travel and so on.

Of course, Huang Wangyu chose to become Hong Kong people is also related to the family.In an interview with Lianhe Morning Post, he said that his parents lived in Meizhou and not far from Hong Kong."I will go back to my hometown once a month to meet them once a month. The journey takes only four or five hours, which is much more convenient than Australia."

Huang Wangyu, who has lived in Hong Kong for more than a year, enjoys the current state of living.In addition to work on weekdays, he gradually entered the Hong Kong life circle, met a lot of Hong Kong people, and took the initiative to participate in community volunteer activities, such as cleaning garbage at the beach and visiting the elderly living alone.He said: "Since I'm already from Hong Kong, this is my home, and I have a responsibility to make some contributions to Hong Kong."

Loss of the Hong Kong Government to formulate talents to grab talents in the past three years

In the past year, there are many young talents who settled in Hong Kong like Tang Yiling and Huang Wangyu.In the past three years, Hong Kong's political situation and social change, and the loss of 100,000 workers was lost. The Hong Kong government then formulated a series of "grab talents" measures, including the "High -end Talent Pass Plan" (referred to as Gao Cai "introduced at the end of December 2022 (referred to as Gao Cai"Tong), open foreign talents to Hong Kong.

According to the Gao Cai Tong plan, the annual income of eligible applicants will reach 2.5 million Hong Kong dollars ($ 430,000) or more, or obtain a bachelor's degree in awarded by the "Top 100 Universities in the World", and accumulate within the first five years of application.A certain period of work experience and so on.

Compared with the previous attraction of talents launched by the Hong Kong Government, Gao Cai Tong's threshold is significantly lower. It has been welcomed by the market after being launched.On the social platform of mainland China, such as Xiaohongshu, a large number of publicity stickers have appeared.) It can help the applicant's family move to Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Gao Cai Talent Service Association held a creation ceremony last November. Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao (8th from the right) served as the guest and delivered a speech.(Zhongtong News Agency)

The approved high is mostly young adults

Stepping into 2024, it happened to be the first anniversary of the implementation of the Gaocaitong plan.负责该计划的香港劳工及福利局局长孙玉菡1月7日透露,截至去年11月底,高才通计划共接获逾5万起申请,其中4万7000起已获批,当中约3万人已When he came to Hong Kong, he described the plan quite successful.

The Hong Kong Government did not disclose the specific situation of the applicants in Gao Caitong.According to data obtained by the online media "Ji Zhishe" to the Hong Kong Entry Department, as of September 30 last year, the official approved a total of 39,021 applications.Among the approved applicants, nearly 95%came from mainland China; 440 in Canada ranked second, accounting for 1.1%; 415, 279 and 168 from the United States, Australia and Singapore, each, a total of 168, and a total of 168 people, a total of totalIt accounts for about 2.2 % as a whole.

Data show that the approved high -talented people are mostly from the two groups of the ages of 18 to 30 and 31 to 40, each accounting for nearly 36 %.Among people aged 18 to 30, nearly 64 % have a top 100 university degree and work experience less than three years; in the 31 to 40 -year -old group, about 79 % of those who have three years of work experience within five years.

As for the industry that approved the applicant, the Hong Kong Immigration Department has not required applicants to apply for occupations to belong to the occupation of the occupation since March 1 last year, but so far it has not been announced.material.

Blow spring breeze in multiple areas of Hong Kong

In recent years, the labor population in Hong Kong has been greatly reduced due to the tide of immigration, and the social competitiveness is getting better.Moving high -talented talents with young, high -income or high -education to Hong Kong will undoubtedly help fill the vacancy of the human market and promote the development of major industries.

Children of Gao Caitong Family Inserts work to help reduce the pressure of school students

In addition, a large number of talented talents have flooded to Hong Kong in the past year, which has also brought many positive effects to Hong Kong society.For example, as the tide of immigrants in Hong Kong continues, the population of school children continues to decline, and schools in various districts are facing the problem of insufficient rations.According to people in the educational industry, after the implementation of the Gao Caitong plan, the children of Gaocai family have recently been inserted and applied for children, which is expected to reduce the pressure of school students.

The Hong Kong Immigration Department disclosed that as of September last year, there were nearly 70,000 visass/entry permits, nearly 60 % of them were issued, about 40,000People belong to minors.Based on Hong Kong primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, a total of 797,000 students in a total of 797,000 students, the 40,000 students are equivalent to 5%of the number of students.

The Hong Kong Federation of Education and the Hong Kong Gao Tong Talent Service Association surveyed 326 foreign talents who went to Hong Kong in September, and found that 75.8%of the respondents said that they would let their children come to Hong Kong to study in primary and secondary schools.

Hong Kong Famous Middle School Peiqiao Academy held a briefing on December 9 last year. Among the audiences, there are many "talented families" who have entered the talent plan to arrive in Hong Kong.EssenceWu Yuzhi, General President of Peiqiao College, said that after the customs clearance of Hong Kong and before the summer vacation at the beginning of last year, the school has received thousands of children from Gaocaitong families to apply for work and enroll in all grades.

He said: "We have never heard of it before, and have never seen such a phenomenon, so everyone's needs for education in Hong Kong are undeniable. I believe this is the direction of the future development of the Hong Kong education community."

Last year's property price fell again, but the rent of the house was higher

In addition, Hong Kong's economic downturn last year, and the price of residential market continued to fall.The Central Plains City Leading Index (CCL), which reflects the price of second -hand residential market, fell 6.37%last year, down more than 20%compared with the historical high in 2021. Some housing estates have returned to the level of 1997.However, last year, the trend of housing rents in Hong Kong run counter to property prices. The CRI of the Central Plains Rental Index CRI rose 7.37%throughout the year, which rose to the largest after 2014.

Bu Shaoming, the chief executive officer (Hong Kong and Macao) of the Hong Kong Real Estate Intermediary Company, said that according to his exchanges with the frontline colleagues, most of the talents often choose to rent a house, so the rents have risen.

He pointed out that Gao Caton and other plans drive the property market. It is assuming that one or two adults consider renting a house, and the positive effect on the property market is not the same.He expects that the rent of residential houses in Hong Kong this year will rise by 10%, and the trend has won property prices for three consecutive years.

The road to "grabbing people" is not too common

However, there are many applicants in Gao Cai Tong. Although it is encouraged in terms of quantity, whether there is a moisture in it, there are divergent opinions of Hong Kong society.

A high -talented person who is engaged in innovative and technological work in mainland China and serves as a middle and high -level positions. He applied for the identity of Hong Kong residents in the second half of last year, but still works and live in the mainland.He was unwilling to disclose his name and said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that after he was approved, he went to Hong Kong to find a job and found that there were fewer jobs, and the wages were not very different from the mainland, so he had not decided to settle in Hong Kong in the future.

He said that Gao Cai Tong's requirements and approval were loose, and he had no request to go to the Hong Kong time limit for the applicant's approval, nor did he require the approved to find a job within a certain period of time.Some friends around him also applied for and have been approved, but most people only appreciated the personal resume. In the end, there were not many people who really came to Hong Kong.

Harbor house prices are high, it is not easy to find a job

Chen Weiqiang (left), a lecturer of Hong Kong University of Technology Hong Kong Specialty College, pointed out that some high-talented applicants take Hong Kong ID cards for the future.(Provided by the respondent)

Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer in Hong Kong University of Technology, also said in an interview with the Morning Post that as far as he knows, some high -talented applicants still choose to return to mainland China after getting the Hong Kong ID card.convenient.At the end of this year, it will be the first batch of applicants for Gao Cai Tong to come to Hong Kong for the second anniversary. At that time, they will submit a certificate to the Hong Kong government to stay in Hong Kong. Whether the policy is successful to "grab people" will wait and see.

Gao Cai Tong's plan has been regarded as a springboard since its launch, but even if it is the "high talent" who really comes to Hong Kong to develop, some people have found that working and life in Hong Kong is not as easy as imaginedEssence

Tang Yiling, a fintech industry, said that Hong Kong's price level is higher than that of mainland China, especially house prices are particularly high. Basically, the salary must be three times that of the mainland.She currently lives near the Shenzhen High -speed Railway Station. In the long run, she still hopes to settle in Hong Kong.

Huang Wangyu also faces the problem of living.In the first year he arrived in Hong Kong, he lived in a residential unit with an area of ​​only about 18 square meters in Sham Shui Wan, with a monthly rent of more than 10,000 Hong Kong dollars."At that time, I took the subway to the company for 40 minutes. I simply moved to the Shenzhen Huanggang Port for half a year ago. I could rent a four -fold house at the same price, and the living standard was greatly improved."

He said that, according to this life model, although he has to work in Shenzhen and Hong Kong for more than an hour every day, he can also work on the bus, so there is no waste of time and can accept it.

For people from Gao Caitong, finding a job in Hong Kong is another challenge.Tang Yiling said that Hong Kong is an international financial center and has a great demand for financial science and technology talents. He just happens to be engaged in this industry and will develop your career in the Hong Kong dynasty.But last year, the economy of Mainland China and Hong Kong just shrinks, and it is a bit difficult to find your favorite work.She hopes that the Hong Kong Government can arrange high talents and headhunting companies to provide more job search opportunities.

It is difficult for the high -level staff in the mainland to find the same salary work in Hong Kong

Deng Fei, vice chairman of the Hong Kong Education Federation and a member of the Legislative Council, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that according to his contact and understanding, most of the high talents with families are familiar with the Hong Kong education system, and they are not worried about their children in Hong Kong.Instead, these people are working on high -level positions in the mainland. It is difficult to find corresponding work and salary in Hong Kong.He believes that the Hong Kong Government should provide better support and supporting work for expertise, keep talents, and use talents.

Chen Weiqiang pointed out that most people from high talents in Hong Kong are mostly professionals, but many professional fields in Hong Kong and mainland China, such as doctors, engineers, accountants, etc., basically they are not certified in both places.In addition to entrepreneurship in Hong Kong, it is difficult to find a job.In the long run, the two places must certify each other to solve this problem.

But Chen Weiqiang also said that in recent years, the Hong Kong economy has begun to turn a deterioration, the property market and the stock market have fallen, and the unemployment rate may rise. If a large number of talents have flooded in Hong Kong, some Hong Kong people may be regarded as grabbing rice bowls and land appearing in Lu.Hong Kong's contradictions, the Hong Kong government should be vigilant.